The clash

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The city is a wreck. A goddamn mess of broken glass, shattered lives, and lost hopes. In this chaos walks a girl. They call her Empathy Girl. No mask. No cape. Just a girl who can feel everything. Everything that everyone else is too damn scared to touch.

It's a Tuesday. Feels like any other Tuesday, but it's not. It's the day she meets him-Apathy Man. He's everything she's not. Where she feels, he numbs. Where she saves, he abandons. It's the perfect goddamn disaster waiting to happen.

She's walking down Seventh Avenue. The pavement is wet, reflects the neon despair of the city. Someone's crying in the alley to the left. The sound cuts through the traffic, the noise, the everyday bullshit of a city that doesn't give a damn. She turns, because that's what she does. She's drawn to the hurt like a moth to a flame.

The man's sitting behind a dumpster, knees pulled up to his chest. He's old, his beard more salt than pepper, his eyes two hollows of lost life. He's been chewed up, spat out by a world that's too fast, too cruel. She kneels beside him, places a hand on his ragged coat.

"Hey," she says, and it's enough. Her voice is a lifeline thrown across the churning sea of his despair.

He looks up, his eyes meeting hers. There's fear there, and something else-surprise. People don't usually talk to him. They don't usually see him. But she does.

The transfer happens. It's what she does. She takes it in-all the pain, the loneliness, the stark terror of living in the gutter of this city. It hits her like a punch to the gut, heavy and hard. She gasps, not used to the weight, even now. Never used to it.

For a moment, they just sit there. The man's breathing evens out. It's not a miracle, it's not even a solution. But it's a breath, a pause, a moment of peace in a life that's had too few of them.

She gets up, her legs stiff. The man whispers something-thanks, maybe, or something else. It doesn't matter. She nods, walks back to the street, back to the mess.

And then she sees him. Apathy Man. He's across the street, watching. He's different from what she expected. There's no grand villainy in his look, no sneer. He's just a man, another broken piece of this city. But his eyes, they're dead. Like nothing could ever reach him, ever warm him again.

Their eyes lock. It's a challenge, a beginning. This is how it starts-not with a clash of titans, but with a look across a crowded, rainy street.

He crosses towards her, slow, deliberate. His presence is a void. She can feel the air around him chill, the emotions dying in his wake. People pass him and for a moment, they forget-forget to hurry, forget to worry, forget to care. It's subtle, but it's there. He's undoing everything she's spent her day, her life, trying to mend.

When he stops in front of her, there's barely three feet of rain-slick pavement between them. The whole city seems to hold its breath.

"Why?" he asks, his voice a soft devastation. "Why do you bother?"

She looks up at him, the city lights painting shadows on his face. "Because someone has to."

And that's how it begins. The story of a girl who could feel too much and the man who felt nothing at all. The city watches, silent, waiting. Because this isn't just their story. It's the story of every lost soul on these streets. And it's just getting started.

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