cp 1 .what happened to me

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(stepmom ) GO CLEAN UP GINNY AND CHADS ROOMS NOW.     (Travis ) yes stepmother   (pov) I can't believe my dad married this evil of a woman and then he had to die on me now I'm stuck being a slave it so unfair    (humming) (ginny) image being stuck being my maid lol (Travis) I can stop this you know I can runaway YOU KNOW WHAT I AM LEAVING '' throws bucket at ginny'' (ginny )  Wtf no my head is gonna be big forever (Travis) it was never small  

later on 

At leaat im not in that hell hold any more but now I have to live on the streets forever it will be fine i guess i miss my dad i wondered what he whuold say right now  

(???) hey Travis  (Travis ) who are you and how the fuck do you know my name  (???) I am litth I am your gurdan   (Travis ) how  are you gonna save me form danger (Lilith ) I am here to come and bring you to the school of magic ( travis )what do you mean (litlh) your mother was the must powerful witch in all the lands  she gave up her powers to marry your dad when she had died her powers will alaways go to you at 14  now you get to have your moms powers  sinice you are now 14 you are now able to study at the school and learn maigic you have the power to learn all the elements there is 1000 in total most people can only cotral 11 or 10   but each year you go up you can take more elemnts class you are only allowed to matser 3 per year there is 12 yezrs in this school just like human school you get breaks but you are allowed to stay on campus during break if you have nowhere to go  

(travis ) thats alot to rember (litlh) just lets go  now (travis) ok fine ill go

more to come ... the end 

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