Chapter 8: Confessions

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Uzi's POV

I'm just so MAD at E for locking me and Brett in N's room.


Brett: Oh this.

Brett shows me something in the corner of N's room and my railgun was in that corner.


I quickly run to my railgun and hug it tight. Just then, I hear E's voice from the other side of the door.

E: I disabled your railgun by the way Uzi so don't even think of using that to blow up the door.

Uzi: Ugh, you bastard.

Brett: Please chill.

Uzi: Okay, I will, only for you.

Brett(blushing): Thank you.

Uzi(blushing): Heh.

Uzi's mind: I wonder how N and V are doing in V's room.


Ugh, this is a NIGHTMARE. N is just so snoopy and just asking dumb questions about my things like what's this thing which it was obvious, IT IS MY  FREAKING DIARY. I just realize what I just told N.

N: Oh Diary, well looks like you forgot to add a lock so I'm going to read it.

V: NO!

I try to grab it but I just fall to the ground while he slid away from me and flipped to a random page when he read it, he was in shock.

Entry 86(Takes place after the Truth or Dare game in chapter 5)

Dear Diary

I'm starting to develop a big crush on N but not that big that I become a blushy mess. I have a stupid Therapy session tomorrow and I'm not excited about it, anyways I think N is hot and I do really like him but I bet he doesn't like me back, like I was so mean to him in the past and I don't think he will forgive me but I hope you forgive me N.

End of Entry.


I'm just in shock in what I just read, V has a CRUSH on ME!

N(blushing): V, Is it true that you have a crush on me.

V(blushing): Well... uh..... like yeah It's true.

N(blushing): V... I uh also forgive you for everything that happened in the past.

V(blushing): How could you just forgive me like that?

N(blushing): Look, I understand your pain, being felt alone while E gave the attention all to me and I thought that was so wrong of him and deep down, I felt so bad for you. So I get it why you were so mean to me,

V(blushing): T-Thank you, N

N(Blushing and giving a thumbs up): Yeah, no problem V and I also had a crush on you for so long like ever since we met.

V(Tearing with happy tear): N!

We both hug each other tight and in happiness.

V(blushing): I love you N.

N(blushing): I love you to V.

We then lay down on V's bed then eventually fall asleep.


(DISCONTINUED) Murder drones but J never existedWhere stories live. Discover now