13. The sisters

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Emilia stood nervously outside the balcony, her fingers clutching the thick platinum neck chain she just found on the aisle outside Daniel's room. Its cold metal was warming in her grasp. Both Kevin and Daniel have their rooms on the same floor but on different wings. Emilia would often linger around this floor driven by the chance to satisfy her eyes with the stunning visuals and physique of Daniel. It's the rarest of rare times that she is able to catch a glimpse of his captivating presence. Though it brought storms in her raving heart, it seemed that Daniel had never noticed her. Not that it mattered to her - being her sister's room on the same floor provided her with the best excuse if he ever noticed.

She ran her thumb over the backside of the chain where Daniel's name was beautifully calligraphed in elegant scripts. Emilia has observed this personalised chain always dangling around Daniel's veiny, sensual neck, as a symbol of his strength and allure. The thought of the necklet against his skin sent a thrill in her mind, she was exhilarated yet nervous to use this thing as an excuse to personally speak to Daniel for the first time ever.

Emilia's heart pounded in her chest as she imagined the moment - their eyes meeting, fingers touching as she would return his cherished possession. This was so her moment, a rare opportunity crafted by fate and she was determined to seize it. With a deep breath, she stepped forward following the faint scent of smoke to the balcony.

Daniel stood there, leaning casually over the railing, a cigar between his lips. The evening sun cast a golden glow highlighting his chiselled features, making him look almost ethereal. Emilia's breath hitched at the sight of him, she has always been his secret admirer but she gathered her courage and approached.

"Daniel," she called softly, hoping to catch his undivided attention. But he did not turn, his gaze was fixed on the garden yard below.

"I found something of yours," Emilia said.

"Throw it," he said flatly without even looking at it, exhaling a plume of smoke. His voice was cold, indifferent, unresponsive as always.

Emilia's fingers tightened around the chain. How can someone just throw something that expensive? That too is something he is fond of and always wears.

Desperation clawed at her. She stepped closer, close enough to feel the heat radiating from his body. "Daniel, you might not want to lose it" she tried again, her voice wavering.

He is not accustomed to repeating himself. But sensing the desperation in Emilia's behaviour, he turned his head, his eyes meeting hers with a hard, unreadable expression. He flicked the cigarette over the balcony before moving towards her.

Emilia's heart raced longingly as he was moving towards her with deliberate slowness, the space between them closing until she could feel his breath on her skin. She gulped hard as Daniel intentionally leaned in too close, too close that his lips were brushing against her ear as he whispered, "I don't fuck with virgins."

He pulled back with a playful smirk before he turned away, leaving her standing there with her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Emilia stomped her foot on the floor, the words were nothing less than a cold slap.




"What's your name?" Rose asked emotionlessly. Even though Rose feels her heart is devoid of any emotions nowadays, her morality said she should not have just turned this girl down like that. Above this, Maria again requested Rose to look into this matter.

"Miliani" the young girl softly answered. Her eyes downcast, she did not expect she would be summoned by Rose. Maria assisted her to Rose's room and stood beside her.

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