The Birth of Callista Shadowthorn

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Year – 2004

Date – Friday, November 26th

Once upon a time in a magical forest named Elderwood, there lived two families of dark fairy witches, the Shadowthorn's and the Wraithwood's. The matriarchs of the Shadowthorn family are Elara and Thaddeus Shadowthorn, two of the most powerful dark fairy witches, who had been the guardians of Elderwood for hundreds of years and are ready to pass the mantle of guardian to their children. The matriarchs of the Wraithwood family are Aurelia and Eldric Wraithwood, two more powerful dark fairy witches, who had been the protectors of Elderwood, they fought against any dangers that threaten the beings of Elderwood, alongside Elara and Thaddeus Shadowthorn. Meanwhile, Elara, who was pregnant with her first child, and her loving husband, Thaddeus, were walking through the fresh fallen snow that crunched beneath their feet as they walked while their green and blue cloaks, which had hand embroidered shadowy thorns, giving them their name meaning in all of Elderwood, were billowing in the winter winds, around their raven feathered wings flowing behind them, with their steadfast familiars, a white fennec fox, which was bounded to Elara from when she was about eight years old named Desert, and a black crow, which was bounded to Thaddeus from when he was about six years old named Nocturne, they followed hastily behind them. Elara felt a kick in her stomach as she sat down next to an ancient elder tree. The forest's magic made the bark of the elder tree, that Elara was resting against covered in a thick and pillowy blanket of moss, which allowed Elara to make herself comfortable as she went into labor.

"THADDEUS!!!" Mom screamed as father came to her side.

"Yes, darling," dad states as he started to hold his pregnant wife's hand, "what's going on?" Dad asked.

"Our daughter," mom exclaimed as she felt another kick, "she's coming." Mom said through ragged breaths.

"Just breathe, I had already summoned the medic and she's already on her way here." Dad said as he squeezed mother's hand.

Shortly after Elara felt another kick in her stomach, the medic of Elderwood, she had  a ethereal beauty that never faltered as she aged and her name was Sabrina Stormcloud, the daughter of Hazelwood and Owen Stormcloud. She trekked through the winter ladened landscape of Elderwood, as she approached Elara and Thaddeus Shadowthorn.

"Elara, Thaddeus," Sabrina said as she walked closer with her staff thudding against the ground with her every step, with her calico cat familiar named Savannah, "I came as fast as I got your message, and I brought my supplies and potions." Sabrina asked.

"My daughter is bout' to be born." Dad said as she looked at Sabrina.

"Alright, let me work my magic." Sabrina said as she knelt down in front of mom placing her staff next to her on the ground.

As Sabrina got to work, her hands flowing with the ancient healing magic of Elderwood. A wave of pain washed over Elara as she pushed and pushed.

"Thaddeus, this is unbearable." Mom said, breathing heavily as she looked at dad.

"Just breathe, my love. You are doing great." Dad said as he placed his other hand on mom's shoulder.

"I see the head. You are doing great Elara. Just a few more pushes and she's out." Sabrina said.

The first daughter of the Shadowthorn family was brought into the world with the help of Sabrina Stormcloud. The air was filled with cries from the newborn. After Elara and Thaddeus's first daughter was born, Sabrina wrapped the newborn in a banana leaf and handed the child to Elara.

"Congratulations, Elara and Thaddeus, it's a healthy baby girl. What are you going to name her?" Sabrina asked.

Elara and Thaddeus share a joy filled look.

"We decided to name her Callista." Mom said with a smile on her face.

"Callista, that's a fantastic name, but did you know that the name Callista has a powerful and deep meaning?" Sabrina asked.

"No, we haven't." Dad said.

"Could you please tell us?" Mom asked.

"Absolutely! Callista is indeed a name rich with significance. In fact, its origins trace back to ancient Greece, where it holds several layers of meaning. Firstly, the name Callista derives from the Greek word 'kalos,' which means 'beautiful' or 'most beautiful.' So, right from the start, your daughter's name carries a sense of inherent beauty and grace. But that's just the beginning. In Greek mythology, Callisto (spelled slightly differently but sharing the same root) was a nymph, known for her unparalleled beauty. She was a follower of the goddess Artemis, renowned for her hunting skills and unwavering dedication to her beliefs. However, Callisto's story takes a tragic turn when she catches the eye of Zeus, the king of the gods. Zeus, disguised as Artemis, seduces Callisto, resulting in her pregnancy. This myth adds layers of complexity to the name Callista. On one hand, it symbolizes beauty and femininity, traits often associated with the classical ideals of Greek culture. On the other hand, it carries themes of resilience and transformation, as Callisto's story ultimately leads to her transformation into a bear and, in some versions, her placement among the stars as the constellation Ursa Major. Furthermore, Callista has been used historically as a name for saints and martyrs, adding a sense of strength and spiritual significance to the name. The saints who bore this name often exemplified qualities of piety, devotion, and courage in the face of adversity. So, in choosing the name Callista for your daughter, you've not only bestowed upon her a name that evokes beauty and grace but also one that carries a rich tapestry of mythology, symbolism, and history. It's a name that resonates with strength, resilience, and timeless elegance, setting a powerful foundation for your daughter's journey through life." Sabrina explained.

Callista cries her first tears

"She's perfect." Mom said out of breath.

"She is perfect," dad states, "she will make a perfect guardian of the Elderwood when she is older." Dad said.

"She will make the two of you proud, now I'll be going." Sabrina said as she picked up her staff and turned to leave.

"Thanks Sabrina." Dad said as he looked over his child and then over at Sabrina.

"Anytime, Shadowthorn family," Sabrina states as she looks at her calico cat familiar, "Come on, Savannah, we got other patients to take care of." Sabrina said as she and her familiar Savannah left the clearing for their cabin.

Thaddeus stood to his feet and extended his hand to his wife to help her to her feet. As Elara stood to her feet with Callista in her hands, they walked to their family home, which looked small on the outside, but huge on the inside. It was because of the magic of Elara and Thaddeus, after the two got married they decided to build their own home in Elderwood. A home fit for a guardian of the Elderwood. Elara and Thaddeus walked into the house with their newborn daughter, Callista, in Elara's arms as they walked up the grand staircase to the second floor of the house to the nursery.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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