Part 1: The Little Girl in Apartment F6

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Jessica stared at the computer wearily. Her gaze shifted to the stack of papers on the paper. She sighed quietly. A chill gust of air ran through her dimly lit apartment.

She glanced to the clock before bringing the glass up to her mouth and taking a small sip of the glass of Scotch. It was a silent evening, and our favorite private investigator was working on a new case. Something just didn't add up. Her focus shifted from the computer to the papers as she increasingly became frustrated.

Then, she dispersed the papers across her desk, skimming through them.

After a few minutes, Jessica got up from the chair to refill her glass again. She walked up to her refrigerator, pulling out a bottle of Scotch. She set the glass on the table and carefully filled it up.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door. Jessica set the bottle down and cracked the door open slightly. As the door creaks open, Jessica Jones leans against the frame, her piercing gaze sizing up the visitor. "You lost?" she quips, her voice dripping with dry humor. She tilted her head down to make eye contact with the girl who held a basket in her delicate hands.

 She tilted her head down to make eye contact with the girl who held a basket in her delicate hands

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The girl glanced up at the rugged woman with an innocent grin. She noticed the woman's formidable appearance.

As Jessica looked closer, she noticed cookies that were neatly wrapped up inside the basket. "These are for you. I decided to make cookies for my neighbors." She smiled with sincerity, holding the basket out to Jessica.

Jessica analyzed the girl silently. The girl was relatively new to the apartment complex, and there was something about her, some innocence that was unique even if she hadn't been able to tell why she felt that way.

"Cheer me up?" Jessica's tone is sharp and biting, her expression unreadable. Her eyes narrow as she examines the basket of cookies and then the girl behind it. "You have a real strange way of cheering people up."

The girl glanced back up to the woman awkwardly. She didn't really know how to reply to Jessica's response, nor did she even know Jessica, so she continued to hold the basket out for her to take it.

Jessica narrows her eyes further, almost as if she was about to launch into another sarcastic comment when something about the girl catches her eye. Perhaps it's the way she's holding the cookie basket, or maybe the simple way she speaks. Whatever it is, something in Jessica seems to shift. Ever so slightly, she blinks the bitterness from her eyes and sighs softly. "I... Thank you. That's, uh... Very kind." She took carefully took the basket from the girl and gave an awkward smile.

Jessica had noticed that the girl seemed almost enthralled as her soft gaze remained focused on the woman.

After a few seconds, she quickly snapped out of it, beginning to walk in the opposite direction towards her own apartment.

Jessica took in the basket and set it down on her coffee table before walking over to her kitchen to finish pouring the glass of Scotch. She put the bottle back in the fridge and took the glass to her desk, and resumed her work.

As she continued to work, thoughts about the girl clouded her mind. She couldn't understand the uniqueness about her. Jessica found it a little suspicious that a girl whom she didn't even know would bring her a box of cookies on a random evening.

Jessica's gaze shifted to the basket a few times. Her eyes narrowed slightly in suspicion as she thought about the girl.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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