Chapter 1: Fight

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Nobody's POV;
Setting: X+Four's House
X had just gotten back from the public garden and Four was sitting on the couch, angrily pressing buttons, trying to find a new show to watch.

"Hello Four! Im back!"
X shouted happily to four. He had gotten some flowers on the way back, to surprise Four with.

"Hey, X.."
Four grumbled quietly. X was confused by his reaction, considering he is often quite happy to see them.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?"

"Im fine."

"Seriously, if something happe-"

"I'm FINE! Just leave me alone."
Four shouted angrily at X. He was obviously annoyed and pissed off, but this seemed different. Usually, it would be normal for other numbers or variables. But X? This is new behavior.

"so fucking annoying.." They mumbled under their breath.

"What was that?" X questioned.

"LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! Is that too much to ask from you!? You're so clingy and annoying!"
Four threw a pillow at X.

X, on the other hand, was left astonished and on the verge of crying. This was not their first fight, but most certainly their worst. "What happened?" X thought. They wondered if it was their fault for this mess. Had he done something? Was it because he was with four too often? Or was it because he had went out to the public garden, which Four hadn't really liked that garden? He pondered on so many reasons, before.
Suddenly, he's outside and the front door just slammed.
What is up with Four?

Six's POV;
Setting: Bush outside Four+X's house.

Hm.. weird. This isn't them, to fight so harsh. Plus, Four is aware of X's sensitivity.
That was so loud, i actually jumped. Shocker, right?
Oh, it's just X.
i ducked underneath the bush where no one would see me.. and encountered Six.
"six?? what the fuck are you doing here??"
i whispered to them.

"to spy on them with you! y'know, activities."
They said.
I only slapped my hand on my head and sighed. Why? How? When? And WHAT??

"I know, i know.. creepy, right?? But still, i heard commotion, and i saw you so.. i thought we could spy together!" They silently whispered. Something in their voice..

"I know a better view, come here."
Six grabbed my hand and slowly, but quickly, ran among the bushes. We hadn't talked in a while, so why were they doing this?
We ran past their house, then Seven's, then mine, then Six's. We crossed the street, i guess trying not to be caught by X, or worse, Four. We ran into their house and a telescope.
A telescope.
Out of all things we could've got. A TELESCOPE. I was, and am, disappointed. Why were they even helping me? They signaled me to follow them,(which we could have just talked, since we were far away from X now,) and we climbed up a ladder, that i had never seen before. Not even the last time i saw them. Whatever, not important.

X's POV;
Setting: Park

Why was four so harsh like this? They're my best, best, best, best, friend. It's almost like they're my only friend, but not at the same time. Is this because of me? They know im sensitive, why? Just why? And what happened? They had never done this to me before. I guess i was crying, because i bumped into Nine and they said
"Woah, X, whats with the long faces? And why the sadness? Wouldn't, and shouldn't, you be hanging with four?"

"No.. we got into a fight.. He asked me to leave him alone, which never happens during our fights! i dont know what happened."
I cried.

"Don't worry, we'll solve this issue! You and four will make up eventually, bro. Patience!"
Nine smiled and (technically) forced me into a hug. But, i dont mind. I needed one, anyhow.
I'd probably need a place to stay, too. Thank gosh i have my phone with me.

"Thanks, Nine. I'll see you, gotta get going. Bye, nice seeing you!"
I waved and walked away towards a place me and Four always visited.  I checked my phone.

One unread message.

hai come 2 party l8r??? my house!! @ 9 pm thx bai!!
4hrs ago.

It's 6:48 PM. 12min and 2 hrs til Nine's Party.

I opened the messages app and texted Seven, as he was a friendly pal.

"Hey, seven, mind if i stay over for a bit? Me and four just got out of an argument, and i dont think they want me to stay there for a while. It's alright if not, i  understand then! Respond ASAP."
Hope he gets the text, i guess.

Six's POV;
Setting; Six's Attic
So we climbed up my attic. I don't really tell anynumber about my attic, because it isn't finished yet. Yet, it was the best view.
"Five, look!"
I basically dragged five over to the window and made them look outside. They looked for a couple seconds, and then looked back at me, and said
"Something's not right."
I looked at them with a face that probably said "No shit, sherlock," because then Five said,

"I mean it! This isn't like them, as you know, but somethings wrong."

"Hey, Five. Shouldn't we get something for Nine's party right now?"

"Oh shit, yeah.. Let's go."

We went down the ladder and got in m- FIVE'S car. Not mine, five's. Anyways, we drove to the supermarket and bought some stuff like cups, chocolates, those big snack boxes, yadayada.
We paid, went home, and nothing really happened after that so we stayed at my house to watch TV.

8:45 PM. 15 minutes before Nine's party.

"What do you reckon we should do now?"
Five asked.
I just looked at them and shrugged.


I looked through the peephole and saw nine. I opened the door.

"Whats up party people!! Want me to drive you guys to my house for the partaaayy??"

I looked at Five, which they were frantically shaking their head "NO".

"Sure why not?"

Five facepalmed.
Thats cute.

I didn't say anything.
So we sat in the car and drove to Nine's house.
We didn't talk much til' we were near the end of the car ride, which Nine said
"Don't you think Four and X are acting different lately? Especially Four, he's wayy different than he usually is."
Nine waited for an answer.
Me and six just looked at each other. I guess we weren't the only ones who noticed.

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