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When you pulled up to to Ballroom, sights and smells overwhelmed you senses. The whole place oozed wealthy and class, it was pretty impressive. An anonymous valet opened the door for you and helped you step out, the light of night making your dress sparkle. 

"Wow" Was the only word you could think of. Eren followed behind you, his eyes slightly lit up. "Calm down, you went here all the time, right?" Eren laughed, stretching out his arms. "Yeah, it's just been a while since I've seen it." That was a blatant lie, and Eren could tell.He flashed you a suspicious look before returning his attention back to the building. 

"Ready?" He asked you. You nodded, and you both entered, trailing behind Hitch and everyone else, still taking it in. The truth was, you had been to the Ballroom a lot. You had just never come in from this entrance. 

It was magnificent, everyone dancing in their different dresses, and for a moment, the blur of colours synchronized and you were frozen in that moment. You could've spent a millisecond or a decade there, but it didn't matter. Just as soon as you were there, you were gone, pulled back into the real world by the rough hands of reality. 

"Come on, guys!" Hitch cheered, making her way to a lounge area, where people who were sloppy drunk crawled on top of each other like animals. Gross. "Let's get drunkkk" Colt shouted, already heading for the bar. 

"We can't." Eren whispered into your ear, his face contorted with stress. Just then, your mind flashed with an idea. "Yo, guys, me and Eren know some dealers here. We're gonna go and get you guys the good shit, alright?" You shouted. They all cheered, already downing shots. 

"Let's go" You grabbed Eren's sleeve pulling his away from your group and inot a quiet corner of the room. "Okay, you see that entrance over there? Nile's office is right there. You have to enter a code, but I heard it's pretty easy to get through." Lie. You memorized that code ages ago. "How do you know all this shit?" Eren asked, looking confused. "Don't worry about it."

You both moved silently across the hall, eventually reaching the entrance. You reached for the keypad, gently pressing down the buttons on the keypad. There was a short wait, and just when you thought you'd gotten it wrong, there was a small hissing sound and the door swung open. "Nice" Eren whispered. 

The office was spacious, albeit a bit weird. It was lined with expensive artworks and mounted stuffed animal heads. "Jeez" Eren muttered, "Could this get and creepier?" "I know, it's like we got transported into the nineteenth century" You looked at the animal heads and shivered. 

You set about rummaging through the desks, searching for anything that would tell you the MP's plan. Flicking through books and documents, you looked for anything that caught your eye. After almost ten minutes of searching, "I found something!" Eren grinned. You smiled at him, just as you heard voices from across the corridor. 

You looked at Eren in panic. "This can't be happening" You groaned. You both frantically looked around the room for a place to hide, the only option being a small wardrobe in the corner of the room. Rushing towards it, Eren pulled open the door. "Fuck." You knew what he was thinking. The wardrobe was was barely big enough to hold you, let alone someone so much taller than you. Especially not you two together. 

But you had no choice as the voices got closer. So you gritted your teeth and squeezed yourself into the cramped space at the same time as Eren. As Eren closed the door to the wardrobe, the door to the office opened.  

Yours and Eren's bodies were pressed together as tightly as they could be. You could feel his stomach heaving shallow breaths, his arms tensing with panic. You pressed yourself into him, begging the door to the closet not to swing open. You were glad it was dark in here, because your face had gone bright red from embarrassment at your bodies being so close together. 

You tried to slow your breathing down, making yourself as quiet as possible. Voices outside the wardrobe became raised, "How the fuck was I supposed to know he had hearts?" Shouted someone outside. Damn it. From the sound of it they were playing a card game, you guys could be here for a while. You couldn't afford to wait. 

Taking a risk, you stood on your tiptoes to reach Eren ear, he gritted his jaw, briefly shutting his eyes. "We need to run for it." You whispered. He stared at you, and through the darkness you saw him give a small nod. "Ready?" He muttered. You nodded back at him, getting ready to run faster than you even had.

Eren shoved open the door and six shocked pairs of eyes met yours. "Run" Eren shouted, grabbing your wrist, sprinting towards the door. You bolted after him. You both kept running until you rounded a corner, finally stopping. "I think we lost them." Eren sighed, resting his head against the wall. He smirked, "That was pretty funny if you think about it."

You heart was still going a thousand miles an hour. "Literally how?" You groaned. "Well, imagine playing card game and then some fucking randos jump out of a wardrobe and start running." You giggled. Okay, it was pretty funny when you thought about it like that. 

"We should probably get goi-" You were cut off by the sound of voices coming down the corridor. "They went this way, trust me." You and Eren looked at each other in despair. They were way too close, this was the end. The steps in the corridor only got closer and closer, like a ticking time bomb. 

You focused on Eren's face, begging him to think of something, your mind being too crowded, but it was too late. Just as they rounded the corner, Eren crashed his lips onto yours. You let out a gasp, feeling his soft lips on yours. These kisses were passionate and wild, but Eren didn't stop there. He reached his hands under your legs and guided them to wrap around his body, his hands roving around your body. 

"Have you- AH. Um, so sorry." The soldiers said, hurrying down the corridor. As soon as they were gone, Eren pulled away. His breathing was ragged, the two top buttons of his shirt had come undone and his hair was a mess. He smirked at you, "We should go." 

You both hurried out of a back entrance, making sure to keep to the shadows. "I'm gonna call an uber." Eren announced, plonking down onto the curb with a sigh of relief. You joined him, slipping off your heels gently. Fuck, your feet felt like they had been crushed under a pile of bricks. 

"We make a pretty good team, huh." Teased Eren. 

"We almost got caught like six times but sure. I guess if the competition was hotness."

"You think I'm hot?"

"Shut up."

Eren grinned and kept teasing you until the cab came. You hopped up and settled into the cab, resting your head on the door. "I'm so tireddd" You grumbled, feeling your eyes close.


Your eyes shot open, you had the dream again. You felt the bile rise up in your throat. It happened every time you went to sleep, which is why you never slept. You squeezed your eyes shut, willing your heart rate to slow to a normal pace, but it kept racing like you had run miles. 

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." You moaned. "Just get out of my head." You begged, but the dream remained like a sour taste.   You threw your head against the headboard, again and again, pleading your body to just knock out. 

Even after this, you remained wide awake, replaying the same thing over and over. Why couldn't you brain just shut up? It felt like it was always a constant barrage of anxieties the minute the lights shut off. You hated it. 

You head was ringing heavily now, and you laid back on your pillow, breathing deeply. You're okay, everything's okay, you repeated to yourself, resisting the urge to pull out your hair in frustration. 


A/N: heyy so ik there hasn't really been any angst yet but that happens dw, so does the smut :) im just trying to pace it right anyway have a good day 💕

p.s mb for the short chapter i was feeling lazy 😔

𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧 II Eren Yeager FanficWhere stories live. Discover now