Chapter 17 | When Yin took over Yang

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"Hi professor!" Amelia barged inside my house, almost knocking me down. Her presence was filling the entire house with joy. Like I had a sun walking around in a circle telling me the most juicy gossip from the school locker girls. It's not like I cared, but she'll tell me everything anyway. It was always concerning for me because she never acted this way around other people. Especially her parents or brother.

"Sit down" I giggled. "I'll bring you some tea."

"Green tea with a slice of lemon" we said at the same time. She fell down on my sofa laughing hard. I caught her at the last minute before she fell to the ground.

"Actually professor" she got serious in a second and fixed her brown hoodie. "I always tell you everything. This time I want to hear something about you."

I raised my eyebrow and smiled wide.

"What do you want to know, sweetheart? I listen."

It didn't take her long to sit on the bar stool in my kitchen and ask me all about my life.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"





"I'm not that old!"

"You look 60!"

"I'm a teacher! What do you expect?!"

That's when she laughed so hard she fell down from the bar stool. I shook my head in disbelief and put a slice of lemon in her tea and a tablespoon of sugar into mine. Amelia was ridiculous, but I enjoyed her company and she enjoyed being in my house. She was always happy and positive. I needed it.


"Well" I checked my watch as she took the last sip of her tea. She always drank the same one to the point where I was buying a big pack of green tea just for her. "It seems that we finished earlier today."

"Great" the girl put the cup down and looked at me. "Because I have an idea!"

"I was actually about to grade a few papers" I reached for a small pile of 10 or 15 pages. "But I listen to you."

"Come on Grouchy, I'll do it for you if you listen to me now!"

I sighed and looked at her.

"I'd rather grade them myself, but I appreciate your offer."

She giggled and grabbed my forearm.

"Have you ever tried Tinder?"

"No" I put the papers down on the coffee table. "Why are you asking?"

"I want to find you a girlfriend" Amelia smiled. She looked proud of herself.

"I'm into younger girls" I giggled. "I don't think they would be into me."

"Oh come on!" She looked mad. "You're nice, funny, attractive, rich and responsible! What else do you think girls want?"

I smiled and turned towards her.

"Stamina" I replied. "That's something I won't have in a few years."

"My boyfriend is older than me and you don't see me complain about his stamina..."

Ugh! Her boyfriend! A guy who failed English twice, didn't go to college and still lived with his mother. He was working, but for his mum so it didn't really count. Poor woman. I felt bad for her every time I saw him around. I wasn't the best person, but I wasn't speeding through Hurville on any of my vehicles and making it hard for others to sleep. Thankfully he felt some respect towards Mason, and Amelia was never in the vehicles with him. Mason was a good brother and student even though he had it really hard in life. His mother passed away and his father was abroad working. So all the work regarding his younger sister was on his side. I was happy to tutor her. Helping Mason was a pleasure. I also felt that it's my duty to help my students, like a good teacher would. And I really liked Amelia. From what I know it was mutual. They were both my family now and I loved them very much.

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