Enchanted to meet you.

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Lover and 1989 had been best friend for years and this is the time Lover move schools just to see 1989

Lover met a girl with a black hoodie behind her. She tapped her shoulder getting attention to the girl
"Hey, I'm lover! And by the way I'm sorry for interrupting your moment here, im new here in this school, uhm.. sorry but can you help me find my friend 1989?" The girl ignores her, making Lover a little sad, but then Lover heard someone called her. "Lover!" It was 1989, She hugged Lover tightly. "I miss you so much"
1989 says with full of happiness and excitement. Lover chuckled "Ok, anyways,"  1989 breaths "There's so many things I need to tell you. But we have to go. " Lover was confused " Why?" They heard the bell rings. 1989 quick pulls Lover pulling her to the classroom, they got in time. Lover came in, seeing the girl with a black hoodie, They were classmates. "Miss Lover." The teacher says but Lover was too focused to the beauty of the girl, until Lover hears a flick of a finger "Oh right, Sorry" Lover introduced herself to the classroom, She was seated with 1989.
1989 was talking a lot until Lover got her attention when she says the girl she saw. "Also, you see that girl with a black hoodie? Her name is Reputation, She's like a troublemaker and she's mean, Hard to get also. And she breaks hearts like so be careful with her."
"Oh. Thanks for the information."
"You're welcome and also one more thing, Midnights.., Midnights is fine, like totally fine.."
"I see you. "
"I know but she's hot. But I hate it she's my rival. I can't fall in love with my rival. "
" Nine, that's fine, maybe she likes you too. "
" Thanks. "
1989 and Lover are gossiping in like two class until it was lunch time.
Lover accidentally bump to Reputation
THE reputation. "Watch where you're going." Rep said with a cold voice, looking down at Lover, (Lover is short btw) "You also better watch where you're going." Lover said. "Whatever"
Rep leaves them alone. 1989 whispers to Lover's ear "did you just-"
"I did" Lover was pissed.


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