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Clang Clang Clang......

'Its been three years

He jumped back to avoid the rain of black star shaped projectiles coming at him but was met with another rain of same black projectiles coming from his left that he was barely able to dodge by jumping up to where he was met with a gigantic fireball coming at him. His pale blue eyes stared at the incoming fireball as a barely audible 'Tch...' left his lips before he was consumed by the flames.

'Three years since nii-san died.....'

Futon: Hanpastu Kaze no Justu.

'Three years since i got into the hyuga clan.....'

A maelstrom of christaline air erupted around Naruto, it's swirling tendrils dancing with fierce elegance as it shielded him from the inferno's ravaging flames. The Jogan's power coursed through him, its gentle hum a stark contrast to the tempest's fury.

'Three years since i got the caged bird seal......'

Landing lightly on the ground, he set into a familiar stance seeing as his opponent was nowhere to be found. The veins at the right side of his eye now bulged, his blue eye morphing into something else. His right eye's sclera was now pitch black, sporting a white orbit that shone like the moon. The Jogan, his dojustu came to life accompanied by black marks that spread up from his palm to reach a height just above his eye. Though, he was a bit too late.

'Three years since everything's changed.....'

The Jogan weilder steered to the left to dodge as his opponent came at him with a kunai. Quickly pulling a kunai from his pouch as well he rushed in to block his opponent's strike. Sparks flying around them as they locked in on a heated battle.

'Three years since 'I' changed......'


As the sun dipped below the horizon, a gentle breeze whispered through the evening air, carrying the sweet scent of blooming cherry blossoms. Two twelve-year-old boys lay sprawled on their backs, their chests heaving with exhaustion, their ragged breathing the only sound breaking the serene silence.

The first boy, Uchiha Sasuke wore a serious look, a calm and collected attitude and seemed mostly at ease as his raven black eyes stared up at the darkening sky above him. It was surprising one could find him at ease considering what happened to his clan. He had always looked up to Itachi but all that came crumbling down when his elder brother of a prodigy had killed the whole of the Uchiha clan just to get an upgrade to those acursed eyes of his....

Just to test his power..... He still wanted to kill Itachi, of course. And to do that he needed to be strong which he was in no hurry to be. He would get strong on his own terms and at his own pace. For fear of becoming another power hungry Itachi.

Sasuke wore a plain brown baggy trousers and black shirt that sported the red and white fan, the symbol of the uchiha clan.

Taking in a deep breath, the twelve year old stared up at the sky for a few more seconds before standing up. Now standing to his full height, the wind playing with his laid down black hair. He stared at the other boy who had his eyes closed. "We should probably head back Naruto." He said dipping his hands in his pocket, walking closer to the now named Naruto.

Said boy opened his pale blue eyes to give a side glance at the pair of black shinobi sanders next to him. He sat up on the ground, sighing as he ran his hand through his spiky blonde locks, his eyes closing again. Not that one could see it since his hair formed bangs that completely covered his eyes. He wore black shinobi sanders, black ANBU styled pants tied in the heels with bandages, a short sleeved mesh shirt and an open orange long sleeved jacket. A big Uzumaki clan swirl on it's back.

Naruto's pale cerulean eyes fluttered open, locking onto the outstretched hand before him. His gaze trailed up to meet Sasuke's, the last remnant of the Uchiha clan's honor, his raven black eyes gleaming with a subtle mix of exhaustion and determination. With a small smirk playing on Naruto's exhausted face, he allowed Sasuke to pull him up.

"Hey Naruto. How does Ichiraku sound."

"I'm busy Sasuke. I was barely able to make time for our spar." The blonde picked up his kunai from the ground before staring up at the Uchiha. "Maybe some other time."

Sasuke frowned at that. A few years back he was sure the blonde would have jumped up in joy and scream the word 'RAMEN' out. But now..... Where was that blonde. "Yeah sure. Another time...... Just like you said yesterday." He said muttering the last part to himself before joining the blonde in picking up the the strewn out weapons.


After departing from his long time friend. Naruto walked the streets of Konohagakure. Subtly watching as the villagers continued on with their daily life. Some occasionally stopping to send him a glare and a few hate words. Nothing more. Nothing less.

A sigh left his lips as he ran his hands through his golden locks of hair. A habit he had picked up during the past three years.

Stopping a few feet away from the Hyuga estate. He wondered how three years had passed so quickly. Time sure does fly....


"Ne.... Yuki-chan. What is a shinobi....." A blonde boy with startling sea blue eyes that seemed to be not less than six spoke up. Slightly tilting his head up to stare at the young woman that held on to his hand.

Taken aback by the question the six year old asked. She stopped in her tracks the blonde following suit a few seconds later. Her red eyes beamed with pride as she smiled softly at the confused six year old. "A shinobi Naruto..... Is one who endures......"


"Yes. A shinobi is one that keeps on going no matter what they've lost. A shinobi is a tool for their village. Though they would never think themselves fully as one...... Do you understand Naruto-kun?"

"Hai Yuki-chan. You just wait and see. I'll be the best shinobi ever!"

'Said Yuki chuckled lightly. 'I have no doubt you will Naruto.'

Flashback ends......

Naruto's pale blue eyes stared down at the black diamond at the center of his palm. He closed his fist, his eyes brimming with renewed resolve. A resolve that will never be broken even in years to come.

Tomorrow was the graduation exam. He was very much on his way to make Yuki-chan proud. Very much on his way to avenge her. Very much on his way to finally descend

From his Ascending Curse.....


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