RECOGNIZED (At the Green Gables)

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Moody looked up, they all looked up at Anne, whose pretending to be a pirate, perched on something high wood box. Moody was holding the hand of Ruby who was next to him, they were enjoying by themselves because of the last exam that had just finished.

Ruby was about to let go but Moody stopped her by holding her tightly, not looking, Ruby looked at her hand. They were holding hands for a while now, she felt, it was flattering, nervous, happy. But she doesn't want her hopes has increased too high

Moody laughs at the jokes of their fellow classmates, and Ruby just goes along.


"We're always talking, seeing each other, but never like..." Ruby thought of something "Sitting here, away from the others, just two of us?"

"Like this. You're right, I mean... You're so focused on Gilbert so.." Moody are looking at the front of them, not so far away from their friends whose dancing and seemed a little bit drunk because of the bottle of wine

He made a face like 'I know right, what can I do?' he raised his eyebrows for a second, palms resting on the back, they both rested on the wood branch of the tree that was lying down.

"You admire Diana" She fired back, like she complained. "Well, I can't blame you, she's really nice..." Ruby genuinely said. "Kind, beautiful-"

"You're so beautiful."

She looked up to him where he was automatically looking at her "I could recognize that

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She looked up to him where he was automatically looking at her "I could recognize that... more than, anyone."

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