no matter what......i miss you. (minsung)

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( YALL KNOW WHAT TIME IT ISSSS>....................hehe :3 👀 🥵 🥰)

👤= anyways.......a spicy chapter for all of you to enjoy :) (p.s: its an angst chapter enjoy, vote comment, and follow :3)

(Main idea: Minho was working late in his office at home and his boyfriend Han was in the living room by himself and was feeling really lonely and wanted attention and cuddles but he couldn't because Minho Was working

The Two have been living together for 3 months now and are happy but ever since Minho started working he hasn't been spending time with Han as much as he used to, this time he was really lonely and wanted attention so he knocked on his office door hoping to come in.)

"Minho? babyyyyy?" Says Han with a sad tone

"Yes, Hannie?? is something wrong?" Says Minho

He came in and sat on his lap, immediately burying his face in his shoulder. "I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you..." He mumbled over and over to him, wrapping himself around him, clinging onto him like a little koala bear. Minho could see the bags under his eyes, he was wearing one of Minho's shirts and sweatpants with his black hair messy.

"i know i know but i have to work :(" Says Minho

He leaned back and looked at him with a cute pout, eyes all round and sparkly. "C-can't you finish working now? I'm lonely and I want attention...pleaseeee...." Says Han

Minho looks at the time and it's 7:30 pm........ "I guess I could use a break." Says Minho

His face lights up with a big smile full of his pretty sharp teeth and he kisses his cheek.

"Yay! I love youu!~"

He wrapped his arms behind his head and gave him sweet kisses all over his face happily that he was finally taking a break.

"i love you too but now let's get you to bed because you look so tired," Says Minho

He pouted at his statement and whined.  "B-but, what about cuddles? I want cuddles!" Says Han,

He looked at Minho and hugged him, burying his face into his shoulder with a grumble.

"of course, we're going to cuddle but first I need to use the bathroom, will my little Hannie wait for me?" Says Minho

"Mhm...! I'll wait for you just don't leave me waiting for too long." Says Han  

He pulled back from him and got off his lap, heading over to their bed and laying down on it then grabbing his pillow and burying his face into it, getting ready for cuddles already.

Minho smile's then go to the bathroom to do whatever he does then opens the door

Minho comes back from the bathroom and Han is still laying on his stomach, his head buried in the middle of his pillow and the blanket almost completely over him.

Minho could hear cute little snoring noises coming from under the blanket, the boy had immediately fallen asleep in his absence while he waited for him.

Minho smiles then slowly slides beside him and kisses his cheek

Han moved slightly in his sleep. The sudden touch of his kiss on his cheek awakened him and his eyelids fluttered open, his groggy tired doe eyes staring at him.

"'re back...I missed youuuu"

He sleepily mumbled with a cute pout, his arms wrapping around his back and pulling him on top of him, hugging him and rubbing his back with his hands as he gave cute sleepy kisses on his jaw

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