Chapter 50

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Seokjin happily ran and hugged his grandfather as he saw him seated in the restaurant.

"Congratulations, my baby." Heechul said as he rubbed Seokjin's back.

"Thank you, hal-abeoji!" Seokjin said.

When they pulled away from each other, Heechul hugged Taehyung next. "I am proud of you and Seokjin." He said.

"Thank you, hal-abeoji." Taehyung said.

"Why don't we start the party?" Heechul said to them.

"What party?" Seokjin asked. He looked around and only then that he realized that there are no other people in the place.


Seokjin looked at the source of the voice and found Jimin and Hoseok waving at him. They just entered from a different door.

"You are here!" He said happily and ran to them.

He then saw Namjoon and Yoongi entering the same door but this time, they are both bringing something for him. Namjoon brought him a bouquet of flowers, while Yoongi gave him a box which probably contains a jewelry.

Seokjin was confused and did not want to accept the roses.

"I don't think Kookie will like it if you give me gifts and you should give those to Jimin and Hoseok." He said and then turned to look at Jungkook from the table earlier, only to be surprised when he was walking behind him with a smile.

"You can take them. I asked them to give it to you." Jungkook said.

"Really? These are from you? But you already gave me flowers earlier." Seokjin said.

"I know I did, but these are for a different occasion."

"What occasion? Is it your birthday? Wait! No! Is it my birthday? Wait, my birthday is not today neither." Seokjin said still thinking what is the occasion that would require Jungkook to give him another bouquet of flowers.

"Stop thinking too much." Jungkook said as he pet his head. "Just come with me, okay?"

Seokjin agreed and exit the restaurant from the other door, only to be amazed upon seeing the open space and in that open space, chairs and tables were set up. In front of all those, was a projector and Seokjin gasped upon seeing all his pictures with Jungkook and his friends being played.

He cried upon seeing all his pictures with everyone he loved the most.

When it stopped playing, his face is all wet already with his tears.

"Baby, why are you crying?" Jungkook asked when he looked at Jin and hugged his waist.

"That was a really nice presentation." He said as he cried more.

"Did you like it?"

Seokjin nodded.

"Was I able to make up already for being late earlier?"

Seokjin nodded again.

"Okay, there's one more thing." Jungkook said and Seokjin looked at him with a surprised look.

"You won't make me cry again?" Seokjin asked.

"I--- well--- I don't know, Jinnie."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Open the jewelry box Yoongi gave." Jungkook said as he pulled away from Seokjin and walked backwards slightly.

Seokjin put down the bouquet at a table nearby to open the jewelry box.

He gasped upon seeing the content. He looked at Jungkook but the man was in front of him, kneeling.

"Kim Seokjin, my first and forever boyfriend, my fiancèe. I know you have already proposed to me 4 years ago, and we have been engaged already for years. However, I would like to be the one to propose to you and I would love to hear your answer to me.

I am sure that I will marry you but I want to make sure that you still would like to marry me." Jungkook said in a chuckle.

"Kim Seokjin, with the blessing of your family..." Jungkook looked at the door and saw Seokjin's family, with Taehyung rolling his eyes at him and Heechul happily smiling at them. "Will you marry me and be mine forever?"

Seokjin was a crying mess already when Jungkook finished.

"Yes, of course! I will marry you!" He said and pulled Jungkook to get up.

Jungkook quickly got up and hugged Seokjin tightly.

"Thank you, Jinnie. I will marry you anytime, anywhere! You are my life." Jungkook said.

He then pulled away and took the box that Seokjin was holding. He then pulled the ring, which was exactly the same as the ring Seokjin gave to him years ago.

He put it on Seokjin's ring finger and happily kissed him on the lips.

"Let's be happy together, forever." Jungkook said.

Their family members and friends clapped their hands as they have seen how happy the two are.

Praises and congratulations were in place after.

"So, when is the wedding?" Heechul asked them and they both looked at the elderly man.

"No wedding until Jungkook was able to fulfill his promise to me." Taehyung said shaking his head.

"Hyung, don't make it hard for my future husband." Seokjin complained.

"As if you did not make it hard for my Eun Woo. He can't even attend today's event because you asked him to do all the tasks of other people." Taehyung said.

"Probably my cue to leave." Heechul said then went to Namjoon and Hoseok.

They all smiled at the old man and bowed as he left.

Seokjin looked around Taehyung again. "He deserves that. He was lax all day. I had to do most of the papers while I was still doing my finals for school. That is so unfair." Seokjin said with small pout.

"Still, on this day? Everyone's celebrating with their love ones and I am here just watching all of you." Taehyung debated.

"I don't care, he still needs to finish all those papers." Seokjin said then left to see Jimin.

"Aish! This brat!" Taehyung said and he heard Jungkook chuckle. "What?"

"My future husband is just too cute." Jungkook said.

"I can't believe this. Just--whatever! Please work on that house for me, until then, no blessing for your wedding with my Seokjin. Also, stop being too noisy at night. My ears are bleeding, god!"

"You're just jealous you can't do it with Eun Woo."

"You and Seokjin are pure evils." Taehyung said.

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