• Keeping a secret •

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After a week, Floyd was finally realeased from the hospital. With a healed leg, new allergies, and finding out he was capable of troll eggs.
One day Floyd and Boom call over Trollex not telling him why at 4 in the morning.

Trollex: Remember stay outside.

Torrent: I know baby, but are you sure you will be fine?

Trollex: Yes I will!

Torrent: Alright.

Beat: Your lucky they wont let me inside!

Trollex: I know I know, just stay right there.

Before leaving Trollex gives a kiss to Torrent and leaves into the troll tree.

Floyd: Where is he!

Boom: Im sure hes almost here darling-

Trollex: Im here!

Floyd: Oh thank goodness!

Boom: We need to tell you something.

Trollex: Yes?...

Floyd: Sit down.

Trollex sits down.

Boom: Well...

Boom and Floyd: we are together!

Trollex gasps not suprisigly

Trollex: Really?! Its about timee!!

Floyd: But we are keeping a secret to prank the others and you cant tell ANYONE not even Beat or Torrent, we trust you to keep it a secret. Promise?

Trollex: Cross my heart hope to die, stick some seweed in my eye!

Boom: (laughs) Thank you! Also you can leave now.

Trollex leaves the room to the outside.

Torrent: What did they say?


Trollex: Oh something about Trollsopia, your not suppose to know so no big deal!

Torrent: Trollex. I know your lieing.

Trollex: What nooo...

Trollex isnt a terrible liar, he actually does get out of situations sometimes.

Torrent pins Trollex against the wall.

Beat: You gotta tell us!

Torrent: You know what happes when you lie..

Trollex: I promise you! Its just about Trollsopia, nothing else!

Beat and Torrent both knew he was lieing but they both letted it go.

Torrent: Fine, but remember we have a hangout with brozone, kismet, and the leaders later.

Trollex: Yes I know! Now cmon!
with the Couple

Floyd: Well now we told Trollex we should get ready for the hangout with the leaders, my brothers, and your band!

Boom: Uhh slight probelm, Trollex isnt exactly the Greatest liar..

Floyd: Yeah but is very convincing!

Boom: True.

A/N: Time skip to the hangout cuz im lazy

Everyone agreed to meet at city hall for the hangout, it was very early in the morning and everyone was exhausted except for the leaders.

Branch: Good morning everyone.. how about we get some morning coffee(yawns)

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