How Can I Help You?

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It takes a monster to know a monster, so maybe deep down in my cold mortal soul all I want is to be a monster.

Hell, maybe secretly I am one and just don't want to admit it. Whatever the case may be, I'm not just a mere mortal amongst the monsters, but I'm the mortal that gets them what they want and if I can't – then it probably doesn't exist in this realm. However, I'm not opposed to crossing — realms, after all a concierge is only as good as the network and connections we  have… and I have a hell of a network and some very interesting connections.

I'm Lexis Sheridan, concierge to the elite.

Been doing this for over a decade now and it still can surprise me.

I use to work at the Horseman Hotel in downtown Toronto and I learned a lot from working there but now I'm private.


Better money.

Better hours.

Best of all, I choose who I want to work for and that means my list of clients is very exclusive.

So... next time your in the city and need something, ask round for me.

Who knows, maybe I will give you a call.

Anyways, I have to go. His Excellency, Dracula, is coming into town and....


“Sheridan, itʼs Cara.”

“Hey! So, how can I help you?”

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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