Determination and Hunger

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The sun shined through the paper-like thin walls and landed on a pale and sweaty back, her towel soaked in sweat while she tried to catch her breath, sitting on the ground

'It's been two hours since I woke up. No matter what I tried to do to distract myself, all I could think of was the 'dream'. Hais, to think that it could throw me back here.'

Cassandra thought, opening her eyes and feeling her grip as she looked at the doors surrounding her that allowed the light to illuminate the medium sized room.

The tatami¹ mats was colored in a basic light green color and the wooden walls lined perfectly to the fusuma² sliding doors.

Though there were no windows, but the paper-like thin doors let in more than enough of the cold air outside. The only decorations were a set of katanas, a worn down training dummy, some shurikens and a few other tools.

After calming herself down, she stood up and made some light stretches before heading towards the training dummy with a wooden katana in hand.

Striking a stance, she held the katana with a strong grip, leaned in, and closed her eyes.

'Sunrise just came. I still have an hour before they arrive. In the meantime...'

She opened her eyes and a strong flare of determination and focus shined brightly in her eyes. She dashed toward the dummy and landed a hit on its neck strong enough to break the current katana.

Her response? It was to grab another one from a rather large pile and return to her barrage of slashes. Continuing her relentless assault.

'It's time to train.'


Meanwhile, Olivia stood in the dark, alone and scared. She felt an intense pressure, so strong she felt the urge to kneel, even bow.

The source of the overbearing pressure sat far away from her. So far away she could only see a faint silhouette. However, there was one thing she managed to interpret.

It was looking at her.

She could feel it's eyes looking into herself. It's peerless red glowing eyes stared deeply through her soul.

She stood frozen in place for an unknown amount of time.

Though she didn't feel the need to eat or use the toilet, she could still feel the distress her mind was in. Her mind and body needs vitamins and food for energy. But she wasn't going to find any food here.

Even her thirst started getting unbearable.

Soon, all that was in her mind was a frenzy for food. She would take anything. Everything. But where could she find it?

'That's right, it has been there looking to me for such a long time already! My answer lies right before my eyes!!'

Countless thoughts ran through her mind. Without a thought, unconsciously, she started walking towards the entity far away.

Soon, the walking paced faster and faster and faster up until the point where she started a full on sprint.

All that was on her mind was...



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