Part 9 | The Girl In The House

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After a few hours of sleep filled with tossing, turning, and nightmares the sun finally rises, warm beams of light shining in through the ripped curtains, hitting my pale skin.

I sit up, wiping the sleep out of my eyes and I let out a soft yawn, looking beside me, realising that my bag is gone. It was with me when I fell asleep, where is it?

I shoot up to my feet, reaching into my pocket to grab my pocket knife but it is nowhere to be found. I feel my stomach churn as I think of the possibility that I'm not alone.

I look around for a second before I start walking forward to investigate, looking for my pink bag filled with my things, before I see something move in the kitchen, making me jump back.

"If you're a person, I have a weapon in my pocket and I'm not afraid to use it on you," I lie.

"No, you don't." a small voice says, she seems almost as scared as I am, which confuses me.

"How do you know that?" I ask, stepping back and hitting the dining table.

"Because I have your stuff," she says, standing up from where she was hiding. Her blue eyes met my brown ones. She looks to be my age, maybe even older. "My name is Erin, I don't want to hurt you," she says.

"Then don't," I say, my eyes not leaving hers.

Erin takes a step forward, making me freeze in fear of her having the opportunity to hurt me.

"Are you scared of me?" she asks, freezing in her spot with a small frown.

"No," I say.

"You're a bad liar. I'm not going to hurt you," She says, putting my stuff down on the ground in front of her before stepping away.

I keep my eye on her, stepping forward before grabbing my knife and bag, and opening the bag to see if it still has my stuff in it. "Where's my bear?"

"It's safe, it's with my turtle." The girl says, making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Turtle?" I ask.

"Yes, Frank. He's my best friend." Erin responds, smiling the tiniest bit as she explains.

"He's not an actual turtle, is he?" I ask, feeling my anxiety melt away the slightest bit.

"No, he's stuffed," Erin says, laughing the tiniest bit.

"Oh," I say, putting my bag on my back and putting my knife in my pocket. "Where are they?"

"Follow me," Erin says, leading me outside to a large tree with a treehouse on top.

"Is this yours?" I ask

"Yeah, I found it last week," Erin says, climbing up to the treehouse and chucking my bear down.

"Hey! Be gentle with him!" I say, offended as I run to my bear, hugging him close to me.

"Sorry," she says, coming back down with her turtle in her hand. "This is Frank, he's been my best friend since I was a baby." She says, showing me Frank with a large smile on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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