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[ here's more Amalie364

wordcount: 1090 words [ here's more Amalie364 ] 

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NOT ONCE DID KATSUKI THINK feeling the way he felt was something he was capable of, all his life, he had been taught to not be soft, that men don't cry, that they have to be strong and stern, that they must not show emotion or else it will weaken you. he was taught this by the men in his family, the men he got his last name from.

when he was first told this, he was a sniffing toddler, he hardly understood what his father's brothers meant. but as he grew, he realised, that's why he was respected and the rest of his peers were not. because he didn't cry, he didn't show emotion that made him weak. it upset his mother, yes, but inevitably she couldn't change it, because she was a bakugou as well, and bakugou's are tough.

and he continued living his life like this, or at least, until he turned 17, then, he was no longer the angry teenager he grew up to be, instead, he had become this flirtatious young man that women and men alike adored, and he was like that when he first met you.

and at first, he thought that flirting with you would be fun, harmless, it would mean nothing to the both of you once the three months were over, but as time went on, the meaningless banter turned into something more, and he dreaded the fact that these three months would come to an end soon, because all the feelings that he had suppressed were beginning to bubble up, and even though he didn't know how to, all he wanted to do was share them to you.

"what're you thinking about kid?" katsuki's dad asked, knocking him out of his thoughts as he looked up at his father

then, he began thinking again, his father was so soft, despite being a bakugou, he wondered how his father got that right, being so soft in a family like his. but then, if you look at his mother, she's angry enough for the both of them, he still wondered though, how they managed to get that right.

"'s nothing" he finally answered, looking back down at the table, this made his mother upset

"katsuki look at us," she demanded. even though he didn't want to, he knew better than to not obey his mother when she used that tone of voice on him. lord knows he got way too many hits to the head if he didnt listen immediately.

so, he looked at them, at the people he called his parents, the people that spent all their time raising him and nurturing him, he thought of himself now, about how he rebelled when his parents became too busy to give him attention, he's been rebelling since he was 12, though when he turned 15, he didn't stop, it'd just gotten worse.

he wondered why his parents hadn't cut him off yet after putting them through all the shit he did for the past 5 years.

"speak to us brat, y'know you can" his mother said, taking his hand in his and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

and so, he did, he spoke to them.

━━━ ★

"you look stressed," his cellmate said after the guards had left.

katsuki sighed as he dropped down on his bunk, attempting to find a comfortable position to lay in on the uncomfortable mattress that they were provided with.

he knew he did, after all who wouldn't be if you speak about very confusing feelings you're feeling with your parents; "yeah no shit" he replied, glaring at his cellmate

as a response to this, his cellmate sat up from his lying position, putting his book face down on his pillow and looked at katsuki, who was staring up at the cement ceiling, stuck in a spiral of his own thoughts and laughed.

"the fucks so funny huh?" katsuki asked, sitting up suddenly and sending a hardened glare towards his way

"just," he started, waving his hands around, trying to formulate the right words

this made katsuki sigh as he clenched and unclenched his fists. he thought of a million places he could be other than the cell we was currently in, like he could be with his friends doing stupid shit that would most likey get him into more trouble, or he could be at the hospital, taking care of the girls he's grown fond of and irritating you. he could be irritating you. he wanted to irritate you. god he misses irritating you, not that he would admit that out loud

"you seem like you have this massive ass chip on your shoulder an' you can't shake it off or something" he explained, shrugging his shoulders as katsuki sighed and ran his hands down his face

"its long and complicated" was his reply

"i got time" his cellmate said, picking up his book to dog-eared the page he was on, giving the blonde haired male his full attention.

━━━ ★

that night, katsuki lay wide awake, unable to sleep as he silently cursed his cellmate for falling asleep so easily. the room was silent, the only sounds being the guards doing their nightly checks in the distance and his cellmates snoring.

god how he wished he could be asleep right now, but no, instead he lay awake, his mind on an endless spiral about everything that had happened leading up to this moment, and of course, you, and what he had figured out, or at least what his cellmate helped him figure out.

they had talked quite a while before they were called down for dinner, and luckily for katsuki, his cellmate was a sap, so as he explained his feelings and how conflicted he was feeling, his cellmate told him that he had feelings for you.

he's never had feelings for a girl before, sure, he fucked around with them, but was never anything serious, because he always dropped them before the two month mark reached, but now, here he was, staring at the ceiling as he thought of how it's been over 2 months now and he still wants to be around you.

god was he a fucking idiot.

as katsuki laid there, he decided he would talk to you, not through some half-assed letter, but in person, where he could properly explain how he felt to you.

now he was more determined to get out of the hell he was in more than ever.

━━━ ★

short chapter,


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