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Jennie packed her bags while wiping her tears away.

"Honey, are you sure about this?" Her mother asked in a gentle voice.

Jennie just nodded and continued packing. When she was done, she looked over to see her mother crying on her dads shoulder.

Jennie gave her parents a hug and exchanged their goodbyes before leaving the house, not looking back.

She hailed a cab and got in.

"Gimhae International Airport please." The driver nodded and drove away.

Jennie took one last look at her parents and the life she was leaving behind. She sighed.

Its for the best, there is no other way.


Soon, Jennie arrived in Seoul. She was one step closer to becoming an idol. At just 15 years old, she left her family and friends, if she had any, and moved to Seoul to pursue her dream of becoming an idol.

She stepped off the plane and breathed in the fresh air.

Come on Jennie, time to start fresh.


Meanwhile, back in Busan, the entire school had noticed Jennie's disappearance.

"Hey did you guys see Jennie today?" Yoongi asked his friends.

"No, rumor has it, they say that Jennir killed herself after getting rejected." A random boy said out of nowhere.

Taehyung glared at the boy, making him throw his hands up in surrender.

"She probably just left. Like I wouldn't go back to school after what happened." Taehyung exclaimed like it was nothing.

Yoongi sighed before going back to reading his book.

He's probably right, she's not gonna come back after what happened.

Yoongi couldn't help but feel a little sting in his heart knowing the truth.

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