42. never push me away . Jaana !

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As I opened my eyes, my mind was foggy from sleep

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As I opened my eyes, my mind was foggy from sleep. I realized I was in a luxurious bedroom, surrounded by opulent furnishings and heavy curtains. Abhimaan was nowhere to be seen, but I spotted him freshening up in the adjacent bathroom. My gaze narrowed, and my anger sparked.

How could he do this to me?! He didn't even tell me we were coming to his parents' palace! If I had known, I would have dressed more appropriately, not in this revealing outfit. And those hickeys! Still visible on my neck, a constant reminder of our passionate encounter. How could I face his parents like this?!

I threw off the covers and stormed into the bathroom, my anger boiling over. "Abhimaan, how could you?!" I hissed, trying to keep my voice low. "You didn't even tell me we were coming here! And these hickeys... how am I supposed to face your parents?"

Abhimaan turned, a towel wrapped around his waist, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "My Jaana, don't be angry," he said, his voice calm and soothing. "I wanted to surprise you. And as for the hickeys... they're a symbol of our love. My parents will understand."

I scowled, my anger unabated. "You're not helping, Abhimaan."

As I stood in the bathroom, my anger and frustration evident, Abhimaan turned to face me. But it wasn't his calm and soothing words that caught my attention—it was the sight of him standing there, wrapped only in a towel, his chiseled chest and abdomen on full display. My eyes widened, and my face flushed with a deep blush.

I quickly turned around, trying to compose myself, but my heart raced with excitement. I couldn't believe I had almost forgotten about the intimate moments we shared just hours before. The memory of his lips on my skin, his touch igniting a fire within me, came flooding back.

Abhimaan chuckled, the sound low and husky, and I felt his warm breath on the back of my neck. "My Jaana, don't be shy," he whispered, his voice sending shivers down my spine. "You're mine, and I'm yours. There's no need to hide from each other."

I felt his hands on my shoulders, gently turning me around to face him. Our eyes met, and I saw the love and adoration in his gaze. He pulled me close, his towel-clad body pressing against mine, and I felt my resistance melting away.

Abhimaan's lips brushed against mine, soft and gentle, and I responded, my heart soaring with love. The world around us melted away, leaving only the two of us, lost in our own little bubble of passion and devotion. As we deepened our kiss, I suddenly remembered I was angry at him.

I pulled back from the kiss, my eyes still locked on Abhimaan's, my anger and frustration resurfacing. But Abhimaan's gaze didn't waver, his eyes burning with intensity, his face inches from mine.

He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close, his towel-clad body pressing against mine. I felt his warmth, his strength, and his love enveloping me. His lips trailed down my neck, leaving soft, gentle kisses that sent shivers down my spine.

Abhimaan's hands roamed my body, possessive and claiming, as if marking me as his own. His fingers traced the curves of my hips, my waist, and my back, leaving a trail of sparks in their wake. I felt his desire, his passion, and his love for me in every touch.

I tried to resist, to hold onto my anger, but Abhimaan's gentle yet possessive touch melted my defenses. My body responded, my heart racing, my soul surrendering to his love. I was his, and he was mine, and in this moment, nothing else mattered.

Abhimaan's lips returned to mine, his kiss deep and passionate, claiming me as his own. I surrendered, my love for him consuming me, our hearts beating as one.

I tried to break free from Abhimaan's embrace, my mind still racing with anger and frustration. But Abhimaan's arms only tightened around me, his grip unyielding. I felt his muscles flex, his strength enveloping me, and I knew he wouldn't let me go.

His lips traced the curve of my neck, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine. His fingers tangled in my hair, gently but firmly, holding me in place. I felt his heart beating against mine, our pulses racing in unison.

Abhimaan's touch was possessive, yet gentle; demanding, yet loving. He held me as if I was his most precious treasure, his most prized possession. And in that moment, I felt like I was.

His lips brushed against mine, soft and gentle, yet full of passion and desire. I felt myself melting into his embrace.

Abhimaan's love was all-consuming, overwhelming, and suffocating. But in the best possible way. I was lost in his embrace, drowning in his love, and I never wanted to be found.

Abhimaan's voice was low and husky, his words dripping with love and possessiveness. "Never push me away, Jaana," he whispered, his breath caressing my ear. "You're mine, and I'll never let you go."

I felt a shiver run down my spine as he released me, his eyes never leaving mine. "Get fresh and get ready," he commanded, his tone soft but firm. "We have a lot to face today."

I nodded, my heart still racing from our passionate embrace. As I turned to leave, Abhimaan's hand caught mine, his fingers intertwining with mine in a gentle yet possessive grasp.

"I'll be waiting for you, Jaana," he said, his eyes burning with love and desire. "Always."

I smiled, my heart overflowing with love for this man who loved me with every fiber of his being. I knew I was his, and he was mine, and together, we could face anything that came our way.

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