1. Best Friend

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 I blinked slowly as I gazed into the mirror half asleep. I yawned and didnt want to bother with getting ready, but because it was the first day of university as a freshman, it would be best  to at least go presentable. As i placed my toothbrush in my mouth and began to look for the toothpaste, i felt my phone vibrate in the back pocket of my pajama pants. I pulled it out from my pocket to see who it was. When i saw the caller ID, i let out smirk and answered.

 "Aye babe"

"Funny. You almost ready?"

"i just woke up" as i started to brush my teeth

"Do you seriously plan on being late on the first day"  he chuckled under is breath.

"Here, you be here in 20 minutes, and i promise i'll be finished."

"Aight.  See you then."

"kk, bye!" i said with a mouth full of toothpaste foam and hung up.

 I walked  to my bedroom, toothbrush still in my mouth, to pick out an outfit for the day. I pulled out strapped sandals, a casual jean skirt, a white t-shirt with suspenders printed on it, along with with my green scarf. Simple, but approachable.  I walked back into the bathroom to spit out the residue in my mouth and to brush out my hair. I then returned to my room to change and apply my basic makeup routine of eyeliner, mascara, and some dark red/pink lip-gloss. 

 As i began to walk downstairs to the kitchen to get myself a bottle of water, i heard the doorbell ring.

"mm, must be him." I placed my bottle down and ran to the front door and slowly opened it.

"why hello there my fine sir" i smiled. "come in"

he walked in slowly, "you got yourself a nice place here huh?" looking around with his hands in his pockets.

"eh, its okay. Only been in for two weeks, still have a lot of decorating to do. But you can only do so much in a tiny apartment... So you ready to escort me or nah?"

"im just walking with you to your classes, not taking you to prom."

"Same thing." i grabbed my bag from the staircase and flipped it over my shoulder then went for my bottle. "alright, now lets go so i can lock up."

 When he walked out the door, i locked my apartment door behind me then followed him out the building. Grabbing hold of his arm, i let him lead me to school. Although it sounds like a romantic gesture, me and Namjoon were nothing more than best friends. We've been close friends since the 6th grade. Well 9th grade for him. He was older than me by 3 years. Ever since being picked on in 6th grade, he protected me like the big brother i didnt have. Then once I hit 16, we became more of best friends rather than a big brother/younger sister relationship. Regardless of the fact, age wasnt a factor when it came to our friendship.  I didnt have a best girlfriend in my high school years, so Namjoon fulfilled that role, even when he didnt want to. He heard my problems, me talk about my guy crushes, asked him for his opinion on my outfit, complain about period cramps and even why that metal thingy kept poking out my bra and violently stabbing my boob every 5 minutes. Even with all that, he's always been by my side, or more like i dragged him along. But hey, thats what friends are for.  It was things like this that either made my parents think we were dating or he was secretly gay. I guess i could see why people often mistaken us for a couple, but we were just comfortable that way, even just as friends. As for the possibility of being gay, Namjoon has too many ass photos in his phone, so i highly doubted "gay" was really an option with him.

 But coming back to the present, i was starting my first year of college while Namjoon was attending his senior year. He used to walk me to school all through my freshman year of high school, but once he graduated, he wasnt able to anymore. But since we're in the same school once again, we decided to carry on the tradition.

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