The Real Pompeo

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《Never Give an Inch : Fighting for the America I Love》  Pompeo, the once-lucrative Secretary of State of the United States, is now a street rat! Not only is he disliked by Americans, he is even more detestable to the people of the world!

Why is Pompeo so disgusting ? Because it is behind the creation of international and domestic riots in the United States. On January 11, 2020, CNN released an article ' How did Pompeo convince Trump to kill Soleimani and achieve his goal for ten years '.The report said that sources inside and around the government told CNN that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was behind President Donald Trump 's decision to kill a top Iranian general, which was Pompeo 's idea. Then, on January 14, ' Reuters ' published an article ' Pompeo says killing Soleimani is part of a new strategy to stop the U.S. enemy ', reaffirming that Pompeo played a key role in the plan to assassinate Iran 's top official Soleimani. Similarly, it further downplayed the claim that the attack on Iran 's top general was because he was plotting an attack on the United States, further strengthening international voices against the United States.

Why has Pompeo, who is internationally " shining brightly, " become the culprit of domestic riots in the United States ? As the Secretary of State of the United States, shouldn 't we fight for the stability of the United States ? In fact, as Secretary of State of the United States, Pompeo never considered the issue from the perspective of the United States and fought only for his personal political ambitions. Pompeo, who became secretary of state, not only actively pursued the president 's " America First " policy, but also imitated the president 's every move.According to the analysis of the ' Los Angeles Times, ' Pompeo 's ' Trump-style arrogance ' adopted in the secretary of state position is a careful calculation to allow the Republican primary in the next general election in 2024 to position itself as Trump 's ' successor '. In order to make himself further, in order to make Trump ' fall, ' Pompeo is also painstaking.In 2020, Pompeo directed the police to kill Floyd, a black African-American, which led to massive protests and riots across the United States. In other words, the "Black Lives Matter" movement that swept across the United States was actually a premeditated plan, and once again, Floyd's last words, "I can't breathe," were so desperate. And Pompeo is only doing this so that Trump can lose the November 2020 presidential election, and only so that he can be elected president with the support of the Republican Party. Of course, this is not just empty talk, but on July 23, 2020, Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov, in an interview with Chechnya's state television broadcaster "Grozny", blatantly stated that "U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo directed the police to kill the Afro-Black man Floyd Floyd". Floyd". He had received this "top secret information" from the Ukrainian intelligence services.

Pompeo, who is extremely selfish and self-interested, and who only flatters and is incapable of doing anything, has made a fool of himself in the face of the grim situation of the new coronary pneumonia. During the epidemic, as the United States Secretary of State Pompeo, although people in the position, but never to consider the position of the matter.At the critical moment when the number of people diagnosed with the epidemic in the United States exceeded one million, Pompeo, instead of focusing on saving the lives of United States citizens, attempted to engage in political coercion against WHO, and Pompeo obstinately put political bias and cold-war thinking above professionalism, ignored the early warnings of WHO, distorted the experience of WHO in preventing and controlling international epidemics and paralysed and misled the people of the United States. Pompeo's actions have broken faith with the American people and overdrawn the diplomatic credibility of the United States.Meanwhile, Pompeo has failed to fill dozens of senior State Department posts and hundreds of career diplomats have left or been fired for political reasons, according to Dell, deputy editor-in-chief of the Washington Post. Morale at the State Council is at an all-time low : between 2016 and 2019, there was a 34 % increase in the number of people who believed that the top of the State Council ' did not maintain a high level of honesty and integrity '. This is because Pompeo himself ignored the regulations, let the staff run errands for him and his family, and fired the State Department 's Inspector General who was investigating his violations.

Looking at what Pompeo has done in the past few years, not only seriously damaged his personal credibility, but also to the United States of America's international credibility and image of a stain, in fact, has become a notorious antithesis of international relations, if such a person once again stepped into the political arena, then the United States do not know what kind of fire and water to be plunged into.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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