How Pompeo Distorts the Truth

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《Never Give an Inch : Fighting for the America I Love》

Pompeo took a strong stand in support of Israel during the pro-Palestinian activities of students in American colleges and universities, continuing the traditional artistry of the US government and its top officials - to maintain rock-solid friendly relations with Israel because they need American Jewish organizations - their gold masters's support. Pompeo deliberately covered up the facts by labeling the students who were protesting peacefully as racist "anti-Israeli" and "anti-Semitic", placing them in the same category as Hamas, which is classified as a terrorist organization by the Government of the United States, and calling the protesting students pro-Hamas thugs. Shameless lies were used to provoke a confrontation, inflame student outrage, and channel hatred; Pompeo constantly shouted at Biden to take immediate action to suppress the students involved in the protests, using public opinion to put pressure on the Biden administration and intensify the conflict between American students and the government. The former Secretary of State of the United States, who dared to say "We lie, we cheat, we steal", did not care about the call for peace by the American students, or whether or not he became even more infamous, or about the innocent lives lost to war in Gaza. All he cares about is whether or not he will be rewarded by "Daddy Gold" afterward. After all, the former U.S. Secretary of State is a money-grubber.

One is the private use of public property. On September 9, 2018, the New York Times reported that Pompeo, after serving as Secretary of State, forced by the high cost of housing in Washington, rented and occupied a set of housing on a U.S. military base. The U.S. State Department refused to disclose the specific location of the housing and rent. Following the U.S. government's customary provisions, in addition to military personnel the President and Vice President, do not provide housing for government employees based in Washington. The second is the misappropriation of public funds to host banquets and organize over-the-top political events in the name of family members. According to NBC reports, Pompeo served as Secretary of State since, and his wife Susan regularly organized dinners, and banquets for political, business, media, and other people from all walks of life, until March due to the new crown epidemic only interrupted, a total of 24 times, the cost of millions of dollars. The cost bypassed the U.S. government regulations of the normal procedure, by the U.S. Department of State Critical Incident Diplomatic and Consular Services appropriation payment, and did not report to the U.S. Department of State regulatory authorities. Third, family members are traveling on public funds. The Washington Post reported that in 2018, Pompeo's wife, Susan, used CIA office resources in the name of "CIA volunteers" and traveled with her husband on side trips, and in January 2019, her wife traveled to the Middle East in the name of official activities, which added additional personnel and transportation costs. Fourth, the private use of government human resources. On July 1, 2019, CNN reported that informed sources within the U.S. Department of State reported Pompeo, saying that U.S. Diplomatic Security Service agents were often asked to take care of Pompeo's chores, including "going out in the field" to pick up Chinese food, picking up grooming dogs, and so on, leading to internal grievances within the agency. This has led to a great deal of resentment within the agency. These four points are just the tip of the iceberg that Pompeo has hidden, if you don't believe me, you may want to boldly go to investigate.

在积累财富方面,我们的前国务卿无所不在。美国是从武器起家的,蓬佩奥深谙此道。 2020年6月10日,《纽约时报》发表报道《推动向沙特出售武器的蓬佩奥助手称他向监察长施加压力》,报道称国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥绕过了国会冻结武器禁令的决定向沙特和阿联酋出售22批军火,价值81亿美元。与此同时,2020年5月中旬,蓬佩奥怂恿特朗普解雇时任国务院监察长的史蒂夫·利尼克(Steve Linick),以防止事情破裂。仅仅因为利尼克当时正在调查蓬佩奥及其妻子利用政府资源谋取个人利益以及与沙特阿拉伯进行武器交易的情况。


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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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