✨ Chapter 28✨

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After a long and energetic dance performance, Veer surprised Akshu Bhabhi with a gift that left everyone speechless

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After a long and energetic dance performance, Veer surprised Akshu Bhabhi with a gift that left everyone speechless. He had gifted her dream dance academy, which was her lifelong dream. It was a moment of pure joy and happiness, and everyone could feel the love between the two.

As I looked at Aanya, I couldn't help but admire her smiley face. She was beaming with joy and had tears in her eyes. She went up to Akshu Bhabhi and hugged her tightly. It was a beautiful moment. She is really happy for her.

At that moment, a thought crossed my mind. "Can we be so happy in our life after marriage? Can I keep her happy in the future?" These thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sound of applause and congratulations as everyone congratulated the couple.

I went up to Veer and Akshu Bhabhi and congratulated them on their new journey. It was then that I noticed Aanya was nowhere to be seen. I looked around, wondering where she had disappeared to. Then, I saw her heading towards the food counter.

I followed her, curious to see what she was up to. As I got closer, I saw that she was enjoying her food and drinks. She looked like a baby rabbit, nibbling on her food with delight. I couldn't help but chuckled at the sight and admire her cuteness.

Suddenly, my attention was drawn towards a man who was continuously staring at Aanya but still I Ignored him. But suddenly some drinks spilled on her dress and she started going towards the washroom and to my surprise the man also started following her.

"What the hell?" I said to myself and was going behind that man but,

"Hello Mr Rathore! How are you?" One of my business partners came and greeted me

"Oh hello Mr. Chopra! I'm fine. What about you?" I asked him, then we talked for a minute but my focus was on Aanya. "Is she okay? Why is she taking so long?" I thought to myself

But I couldn't wait any longer and excused myself and went towards the washroom. As soon as I reached near the washroom, what I saw in front of me was enough to make my blood boil with anger.

"How dare he touch her?" I said through gritted teeth

The moment I saw the man's hand on Aanya's hand, I knew that I would separate his soul from his body. Every fiber of my being was telling me to confront him and teach him a lesson, but I was going towards him but Aanya made the first move by slapping that motherfucker.

As soon as the man felt the sting of Aanya's slap, he recoiled in shock and stumbled backwards. Aanya, on the other hand, stood tall and proud, her eyes flashing with a fierce determination. I could see the anger and disgust in her expression, and I knew that she was not going to let this go unpunished.

But even as I felt pride in Aanya's brave act, I knew that this was not the end of the matter. This man had crossed a line by touching her, and he needed to be held accountable for his vile actions. And so, without a second thought, I ordered my men to take him to one of my basements, where I could serve him the punishment that he deserved.

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