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Rain flew over the bright neon light filled city of druxgas. The rain splashed the rooftop I stood on as I stood near the edge. My eyes stared through the crowds of people witnessing things I couldn't stop. People being robbed, being beaten, it was like anything went by in this city. My dead eyes stared at the masses of people. As I watched I began to remember why I came here.. How was I supposed to do this..? I was just a trainee, I’m… not cut out for this… I looked up at the night sky, and the faces of people I knew began to materialize, making me crack a small smile. But… they believe in me, and I’m one of the few who can do this.. It is a big responsibility, but.. I just hope I’m up for it… I’ll make WDA proud…

“Dante!” I shot awake, breathing heavily, I could feel myself sweating like crazy.. What was that…? I looked to my side and there stood a man with collar-bone length green hair. He held a half smoked cigarette in his mouth, He pulled it out, and blew smoke into my face. I closed my eyes, trying my hardest to not breathe in the smoke. I coughed and wiped the smoke away. “U-Um can I help you sir?” I asked, he stood up. “Yes you can, you can start by getting up and getting ready.” I blinked as I looked to my side, smiling huge. “My uniform…” I said, grabbing the purple uniform from the desk next to me. The man took another puff. A streak of sweat ran down my head. “Um, sir Ulrich, could you please not smoke in my room?” I asked getting to my feet finally. He looked at me with a glare. I blinked, looking towards my uniform. I grabbed the uniform, but as I picked it up, something hard fell out and hit the ground. “Hm?” I asked, getting down, picking it up. It looked like a face mask, a purple mask that had a teeth or mouth design. There was a button to the side, but I wasn't too interested in it. “A mask?” I asked myself, putting it on the table where I found it. “How about you quit taking it in and hurry up and change into it.” I sighed and nodded. “Yes sir.” Ulrich nodded and walked out, closing the door. I walked into the bathroom, looking into the mirror. As I stared into the mirror, for some reason, I began to remember who I was..
My name is Dante Ebull. I’m 17 years old and work for the WDA. The WDA is the Welch Detective
Agency. I’m a trainee detective. I have short black hair and one red eye and one black eye. I know, those

know me, but people around me think it's rather… cool. I was apparently able to pass the exam with flying colors, which brings me to my master, Sir Ulrich. He’s one of the best detectives in WDA. And since I passed with flying colors, I was paired to one of the best detectives. But, enough with the introductions for now.. I need to put my uniform on.


I stepped out, turning my hat with a smile. Alright! I stepped out of my room, and Sir Ulrich stood there, with a new cigarette. “Alright Sir Ulrich! I’m ready!”  I said, getting in a salute position. He stared at me and sighed heavily. “Let's go.” He said, walking ahead. I blinked and sprinted after him. Once I was walking beside him, I looked forward. I wonder what we’re doing that called for me to wake up earlier than i usually do. I looked down, thinking to myself. “Dante.” I looked up, giving a curious expression. “Yes sir?” I asked, as he turned his head towards me. “Right now, you’re going to meet your teammates.” I looked at him. “Teammates? You mean, other trainees?” I asked as he nodded. “Yes. They’re your age and I expect you three to get along.” I nodded, so there's two more. Hm, I wonder what they’re like. They must be amazing, to be paired with Ulrich. I wonder what abilities they possess. “Afterward, we have to meet one of the higher ups in the travel district up in the Antabridge District.” I nodded. It makes me wonder, what do we need to do in the travel district? If you're wondering, the travel district is where detectives go when they get a job which requires them to travel anywhere. I wonder how long it took them to get that approved… Probably doesn’t matter.

We soon reached a lounge, the door closed. I looked up at the sign over the door. I looked towards the door as Ulrich grabbed the knob and threw it open, as I blinked. Was that… really necessary..? He stepped inside as he motioned me to come in as well. I looked at the two characters in the lounge. A boy sat in one of the chairs, it seems like one of those massage chairs. He had a newspaper, with a cup of hot coffee in his hand, the steam visible. The boy had short dark blue hair and blue eyes. Just looking, I could tell whatever life he had in his eyes was gone.. I wonder what his story is… He seems interesting. I looked to the other side, a girl sitting, or laying down rather, on one of the many coaches in the lounge. She looked at us upside down. It looked like she was playing on her phone. She has long strawberry blonde hair and red eyes, which is rather unnatural, but I guess I shouldn't be talking. Though, I wonder why her eyes are red… These are some interesting characters I will admit. The girl sat up and jumped up, her hands on her hips, a smirk planted on her face. “Finally! You got some nerve keeping me waiting!” The woman shouted which caught me off guard. Was she talking to Ulrich..? I.. don’t know how to feel, should she really be talking to Sir Ulrich like that? I glanced over at him, as he simply sighed and took out his cigarette. The girl looked towards me and walked up. I jumped and kept a calm face, but I was definitely panicking on the inside. What is she about to do..? She stopped in front of me with a frown. I blinked confusingly. Her frown was then replaced with a smile, “Ha! What an interesting one you got here Old Man!” She said, slapping my shoulder. “He’s got an interesting appearance, but a cute face. How can you look so intimidating, yet so weak at the same time?!” She exclaimed, as I dropped my head. Must be the.. Multi colored eyes… “Names Circe pana.” I raised my head and looked at… Circe. “Dante Ebull.” I said as she looked like she was hiding a laugh. I blinked. “Hahahah! Even your name is a mix of intimidating and weak!” She said, slapping my back a few times. My body jerked forward multiple times, sweat dripping off my head. “Okay Circe, go easy on him.” Ulrich said as she looked at him and took a step back. Ulrich placed a hand on my shoulder. “As she said, that Circe. She's a… special one.” He said, as I looked at him, confusingly. “She's an augmented human.” My eyes widened, augmented human?! “Yeah, it’s weird. While I don't know the backstory on how it happened, you’ll have to hear it from her. But, believe me, she’s actually an augmented human. She proved it in her exam, hell she might even have even more unbelievable feats. But again, you’ll have to ask her.” He explained as she gave me a peace sign and a smile. Wow, I knew she was interesting, but I wasn't expecting that. An augmented human as a detective, I want to see her in action. I glanced over at the boy with the newspaper, he didn’t seem to pay any mind to us. “That over that is Rune. Another interesting one.” I looked up at Ulrich. “How so?” I asked as he folded his arms. “That boy can’t show his emotions.” I looked at him again, yeah, I can see that. “But, in exchange for being unable to show emotions. He has the ability to read emotions just by looking at someone.” He said as I looked amazed at the boy. That's awesome! That's definitely an extremely useful ability for a detective. “Another thing. Remember that made up case we had you trainees solve?” I nodded. In the exam. In the last test, you were tasked with solving a made up murder case by the WDA, depending on how well you did in the test before it, the case can be harder and harder to solve. Considering how well i did, you could assume how difficult my case was.. “But, while watching that boy solve his case. His eyes actually turned into clocks.” My eyes widened as I heard this. His eyes turned to clocks?! That’s insane, yet sounds so cool! I would love to see that in action! “And upon further inspection, his clocks actually have hands. And, while watching, we noticed that the clock hands actually moved, but not according to our seconds in real time. They moved at their own pace. But, when both hands reached noon, he solved his case.” My eyes had sparkles in them as I listened to Ulrich speak. So, the hands on his clocks determine how long it takes him to solve a case! And once they reach the 12, aka noon… that means he solved the case! That's amazing! Rune and Circe… they’re both amazing! Man, I’m kinda jealous… I’m with two amazing people who I know can become amazing detectives with their special abilities… then there's me… some nobody who's just extremely smart… “No need to be jealous… Dante…” I heard a calm voice speak through the area, I looked over and Rune was putting his stuff down, standing up. Heh, oh right.. He can read people's emotions… He walked next to Circe. “Now that introductions are out of the way. What do you need from us.. Sir Ulrich.” Rune said, speaking politely, unlike… circe… Speaking of the devil, she stepped next to Rune, her hands on her hips. Ulrich took another puff of his cigarette. “As I already told Dante. We’re on our way to the travel district in Antabridge District. But, beforehand, I want to take you all to get breakfast.” He said, turning his back to us. “Come on.” He said, beginning to walk. We all began following behind him. As we walked, I was in the back, behind Rune and Circe. As I stared at the back of Circe’s head, my thoughts began to think of multiple ways on how she became an augmented human, or maybe she was born that way. It was really interesting. Maybe once we reach this place for breakfast, I can ask her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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