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¨Jimmon thought he was safe? Stupid, stupid Jimmon.¨

Jimmon opens his eyes.

¨Jimmon is never safe. Nowhere. With NOBODY.¨

Jimmon looks up and sees his little brother bending over him. He tries to reach for him with his hand, but there is no muscle to be moved. He feels like he is surrounded by some wooden carcass. His body tightened up and his mouth gagged.

¨And Jimmon thought that he had everything,¨ his brother continued, ¨EVERYTHING. Cause Tarolik sure had a lot, but Jimmon had more.¨

The wooden carcass seems to be moving. It's getting lighter behind the face hanging above Jimmon. He looks his brother in the eyes, but he does not see Tarolik. He sees someone who completely lost his connection with reality.

¨And now Tarolik will have everything,¨

He smiles,

¨And Jimmon has completely nothing.¨

At that moment Tarolik closes the carcass. It is completely dark. Until now Jimmon has tried to stay calm, successfully. For a short amount of time the carcass is moved like it did before, but then it stops. Then, there is silence he never experienced before. He concentrates on his body and feels the carcass is still moving, but it is definitely not the same as it did before. It is floating. Jimmon screams, for how far he is able to do that, at the top of his lungs, but there is no response. He is surrounded by nothing but a deadly silence. 

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