Chapter 10: Unforgettable Memories

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50 years ago

Elliot Manor

Eshan's POV (When he was a worker drone)

I'm just walking down the halls, all alone. I don't have any friends because most people don't like me because I'm a nerd so there's that. I enter the library to see Nate and Vicky reading about dogs togethor.

Eshan's mind: Awwww, they look so cute together.

I walk up to them to say hi.

Eshan: Hey guys.

Nate: Hey Eshan.

Vicky: I swear, when I say your name, it sounds like some gibberish or something.

Eshan: So, your now being disrespectful to my parents, Rachel and Isaac.(They are also robots that work for Tessa's parents)

Vicky: (gulps) N-no!

Eshan: Good!

Nate: Why you scared Vicky?

Vicky: It's nothing.

Eshan: She's scared of my parents.

Vicky: NO I'M NOT.

Eshan: Yes you are, remember you almost screamed in terror when you saw Hanok getting his ass beaten by my parents because he made fun of me.

Vicky: Heh, let's not talk about that please.

Eshan: Fine.

Nate: You want to sit with us.

Eshan: Nah, I am going to leave you, by the way, you look cute together.

I saw the two blush and Nate spoke up and said.

Nate(sarcastically): Great way to embarrass us.

Eshan: Why thank you.

Vicky(blushing): Just go.

Eshan: Alright.

I leave the library to see Damian and Tommy fighting.

Damian: Yo bozo, take this.

I see Damian punched Tommy in the visor so hard that it cracked a little.

Tommy: WHAT THE F*** MAN!

Damian: That's what happens when you try to rizz up girls you friendless loser.

I see Damian leave and Tommy starts crying. I walk up to him and try to cheer him up.

Eshan: Hey don't cry Tommy, your not los-

Tommy(crying): YES I AM.


I see Tommy gets up and says.

Tommy: I guess you're right.

Eshan: Look I now you don't got any friends and I don't to, so why don't we be friends?

Tommy: Wait, you actually want to be my friend?

Eshan: Yes.

He then hugs me tight and says

Tommy: Of course we can be friends.

Present, Pod.

Still E's POV


I wake up and go out for hunting and I see Uzi and brett are just talking so I asked them if V and N went hunting.

E: Did V and N go hunting yet?

Brett: Nope, probably making out.

E's mind: Of course. Those STUPID TWO.

(DISCONTINUED) Murder drones but J never existedWhere stories live. Discover now