Chapter 11: Murder Plans!

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I fly over to E's pod and see that they built a spiral of corpses.

T: Wow, they built this?

I land to enter the Compound to see E right there.

E(British accent): Ah, T how are you my mate.

T: Stop it with the British accent.

E: Fine.

T: Anyways what do you got in mind to Murder K and D.

E: Well, follow me.

The two of us enter the pod and I am surprised what they did to the pod.

T: Did you three do this?

E: Nah, only me.

T: Wow, well this what happens when your basically Jimmy Neutron.

E: Yep.

T: Damn.

E: Well let's go to my lab.

I nod and follow and also noticing the two Worker Drones sleeping together. We get to the lab and I am shocked to what I see.

T: This is amazing.

E: I know, anyways, back to topic.

T: So what do you got.

E: So basically, there is going to be prom at the colony, I thought that we get invited and get D and K invited and at the prom, when they least expect it, we'll kill both of them. And kill all the Worker Drones in there.

T: I like your plan.

E: So, want to get this executed.

T: Hell yeah.

We both high five and the next night, someone unexpected comes to the compound.

???: H-Hello.

E: Hey there PREY!

???: Hey don't eat me, I'm looking for V.

E: V

V: Noni

E: First of all, DON'T SPEAK JAPANESE, and second, there's someone here for you.

V: Okay.

E: I'll leave you to it.


E leaves and I start talking to the Worker.

V: What do you want.

???: First, I'm Lizzy, and second, I'm here to invite all of your Murder friends to prom.

V: Oh cool, I'll come and when is it?

Lizzy: That's great, make sure the others come to, and it's tomorrow night.

V: Alright and also I have to Worker Drone that I guess is my step-son but not, can he come to?

Lizzy: Of course.

V: Okay, also you sound like your worth keeping to live, want to come inside.

Lizzy: S-Sure.

E: Yo, sorry for eavesdropping, but can you allow the entirety of Squad Hawkeye(T's squad) to the prom to?

Lizzy: Sure I guess.

E:(Whispers) Yes.

Me and Lizzy go inside the pod and when she see's Uzi on the couch she says.

Lizzy: Ha, looks like emo girl got a new home.

(DISCONTINUED) Murder drones but J never existedWhere stories live. Discover now