t h i r t e e n

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My eyes creak open, the brightness of the bright lit room assaults me, a harsh reminder that I'm still trapped in this nightmare. I wish I could press the reset button, go back to the comforting darkness of unconsciousness, and leave the horrors of my reality behind.

I slowly come to, my gaze drifting around the room as I take in the unwelcome sight. Ten pairs of eyes are trained on me, their unblinking stares like cold weights on my skin. I jerk upright, my heart racing as I sit bolt upright on the couch. Trying to push the pain away in the depths of my mind,  my eyes dart back and forth, drinking in every detail, every face. All of my six brothers were gathered around me, staring at me intensely as if I was made of glass.

"Whoever bandaged you, did a fucking poor job. I can't tell if I'm relieved or disappointed," Ricario broke the tension and silence in the living room. I looked down, my hoodie was nowhere in sight but instead I was wearing a crop top.

I don't own any crop tops.

Furrowing my eyebrows I saw the bandage around my torso, blood leaking out of it. It wasn't much blood but it sure does hurt like hell.

I try to push myself up from the couch, but my side aches with a dull, throbbing pain. I grit my teeth and try again, but it's like moving through molasses. My legs won't cooperate, and I slump back down, defeated.

Their faces seem to be carved from the same stone, their eyes devoid of any warmth or compassion. I'm nothing more than an inconvenience to them, a mere annoyance to be tolerated.

I try to move again, but my body feels heavy and uncooperative. Verenzios' gaze is like a weight on my chest, making it hard to breathe.

I was terrified. I couldn't separate Verenzios face with Jakes'. That dream still fresh in the back of my mind.

As if on cue Verenzio took a step forward, as a result  I leaned back further into the couch. Hoping to gain the distance from before again.

"Yawa, explain," I gazed up at Verenzio, his face a mask of calm indifference. But I knew better. I could see the anger simmering beneath the surface, a pot about to boil over. His fists were clenched, his knuckles white as he struggled to keep his temper in check. His eyes, usually cold and calculating, seemed to burn with a fierce intensity.

I felt a shiver run down my spine as I met his gaze. I knew this look all too well. It was the look of a man who was on the verge of losing control. The look of a man who was itching for a fight.

"Explain," he demanded again, his voice low and even. But I knew that tone too. It was the tone of someone who was trying to keep their emotions in check, but was barely holding on.

I swallowed hard, my heart racing with fear. I didn't want to be the one on the receiving end of Verenzio's wrath. But what choice did I have? I would rather die than explain.

But before I could do anything, Verenzio's grip on his fists tightened. His eyes seemed to flash with a fierce light, and I knew that I had to tread carefully. One wrong move, and I would be the one getting smashed against the wall.

I flinched as Verenzio's voice rose, his words dripping with venom. "You make me fucking angry, Yawa," he spat. "You always find a way to ruin me, to ruin us. You're just a reckless, fucking murderer."

His eyes flashed with anger, and I could feel his fury building. I knew that look, that tone of voice. It was a signal that he was about to explode.

His words cut deep, and I felt a stinging sensation in my eyes. I didn't want to hear this, but I couldn't help it. Verenzio's words were like a knife, cutting into my soul.

I looked up at him, trying to tell him to stop. But he just kept going, his anger and frustration pouring out of him like a torrent.

"You're weak, insane, and fucking selfish. You're a disappointment to our family," he spat.

I felt a lump form in my throat as tears began to well up in my eyes. I didn't want to be a disappointment, but I couldn't help it. I was who I was, and I couldn't change.

  He changed me to the person I am today.

Verenzio's anger seemed to be reaching its peak, and I knew that I had to get out of there before things escalated further. With a second attempt, I slowly got up from the couch, trying not to make any sudden movements due to the pain.

"Let's just calm down," Ramirez said, trying to reason with him. "We can talk about this later when you're feeling calmer."

But Verenzio just laughed. "You think you can calm me down?" he sneered. Pointing at me he continued yelling,  "She's the one who needs to disappear from our lives, Ramirez. She's  the one who who ruined us, she's the one who destroyed all of your childhoods."

I slowly backed away from him, trying not to make eye contact or provoke him further. But as I turned and walked away, I could feel his eyes burning into my back.

"You always find a way to make me want to burn you down, Yawa," he continued, his voice rising. "You're always making mistakes, and then you expect us to clean up after you. You're a shame to this family, a constant reminder of our parents mistakes."

Parents mistakes..?

I stopped dead in my tracks, my heart racing with rage and hurt. Verenzio's words were like a knife, cutting deep into my soul. But dragging mom and dad into this made me snap. I felt like I was going to burst out of my skin with anger and frustration.

I tried to lunge forward, my fists clenched and my eyes blazing with anger. I wanted to make him pay for what he was saying.

But before I could even get close to him, Mason's arms wrapped around me, holding me tight around my injured torso. I felt a wave of pain wash over me as he pulled me back, his grip like a vice.

I struggled against him, but it was no use. Mason's hold was too strong. I felt tears pricking at the corners of my eyes as I tried to break free.

I screamed silently, my mouth opening and closing in a failing attempt to express my rage and pain. My jaw clenched tightly, keeping the scream build up in my throat. But Mason didn't care. He didn't care if I was hurting or not. He just didn't care.

Verenzio sneered at me, his eyes filled with contempt. "You're just like our father," he said. "You're always making mistakes, and then you expect us to clean up after you. You're a shame to this family."

I felt a wave of despair wash over me as I realized that Verenzio was just like Bastard. He was just as cruel and heartless. He didn't care about me or my feelings. He didn't care to wash the name of our parents into dirt. He didn't care if he was talking shit about my parents. 

Ramirez stepped forward and kneeled down, stroking my cheeks,

"You have a week to pack your things, Yawa. When the week is over you'll be sent to the juvenile. That's where you belong, that's where murderer like you belong. Since it seems like you want to kill us too. I suppose it's the best for us and you. We are not family, we never were. We hate you for the things you did, sweetheart. We always will hate you. Oh, you still will go to school till the times up. Goodnight little girl."

Done with his speech he put pressure on my heart nerve, resulting in me fainting in Masons arms. 

I still heard Romeo mumbling a 'finally'.



I'm so productive hehe!

(Could be because I might not upload another chapter next week due to my last final exam.. wish me luck you guys xx)

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