This image is different within my eyes,
Your masquerade is stripped of it’s disguise.
Your emaciated praise is so tortuously sung;
The black in your heart is a lie on your tongue.
Our mouths are muted by the lies you’ve sewn,
But I see the weed choking the flower shown.
Your cardiac corruption leaves your message hallow,
But blinded sheep need a sound to fallow.
Guided by deception they eagerly trudge,
to a demon wearing the mask of a judge.
You rejoice in every heartbroken lament,
For the law is only what you choose to invent.
Lies are laced within your every breath,
You march us to hell then whisper us to death.
Words from the Mouth of Midnight
Poetry(Mostly)All the dark and creepy poems that spill out of my mind, and everything else midnight inspires.