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It's the year 2047, the fourth war was four years in already, I have been stuck in our trenches for the whole total of the time, having the only support of my army platoon, we have been stationed in the outskirts of Africa for about a couple of weeks, and I gotta think to while I write this it was a dreadful experience going out of the trenches back in Germany, trying to explore out of our sector, a vivid one at that it was going to be calm in the northern African plains I thought, we were told from center command to never go out of out sector let alone out of the trench, the first few days getting settled I didn't listen to what command told me.

I was heading slowly out the trench, around 12 midnight a little far off the entrance with my buddy Strike, me and him wanted to smoke a bit, around us was pretty clear and bright in the moonlight with it was mainly dirt and sandy environment with no trees insight, with that we could see anything miles away, I heard something from Strike like a low "What in the world" or something.

I stopped smoking my cig and looked at him, "What's wrong? You see anything?" He looked dazed until he looked through his scope in front of us. "Hey Strike, what's wrong man?" I pat his shoulder while he looks in his scope. But he said my name worriedly

"Mason? Raise your binoculars in my location." I did without question and stared in where he was aiming until I saw something a bit odd. Strike must've seen what he's seeing and whispered, "Why is one of the other guys in the plains?" I pondered and pulled my radio up to my cheek.

"This is Delta 0-2 copy to Howens please come back to the trench." I wasn't getting a response for a few seconds still eyeing the person that was identical to him not moving just standing there back to us. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned, it was Howens confused.

"So, what am I doing outside of sector Mason? Hm?" Howens said sarcastically, I looked at him freaking from what's happening, Strike was just looking down the scope keeping sight of the imposter that we found out not Howens.

"Howens? You need to raise your scope to this now." I told him not to panic.

"Why is something out there? If that's all you need then I'm not playing your game brother." Howens said jokingly, I didn't bother with him and grabbed my gun telling him to look, he hesitated tiredly but did so and locked on quick to what we saw, "What the hell?"

"What's the plan Mason? We could try calling the center to see what's up with it." Strike suggested I made a morse coding in my comms that signal if anyone was sent out of the plains for scouting or anything and waited, things were getting tense, until Howens jumped back falling on his ass while Strike started making fires in the direction back was doing so shooting right to left like he couldn't make any track on it.

"What's happening!?" I shouted.

"The damn things fast!" Strike shouted back as I turn around pulling out my sidearm in the shooting direction until I saw what fast he meant, the thing was miles away and gotten almost two miles closer, , leaving sand particles were his outline was,then it made it to where my face was looking at me in the eyes, I made hopeless shots at its head but had no effect, I could only see its blue eyes glow, like a mechanical machine.

Strike and Howen started fire both rifles into its back but all the thing did would smack Howens flying backwards while grabbing Strike by his neck with inhuman strength, I didn't stop for a second and attempted putting the thing in a choke whole and shooting the thing in the face, I was able to make it flinch and stagger dropping both me and Strike, I point my guns barrel to the things face more but I was shocked to what I was seeing more, it was a the supposed human fleshed face that was half and half of a engineered skeleton face with the same blue glowed eyes, it dashed to me and grabbed my collar and threw me away from the others, but before I could scream or land the thing flew so fast it catch me in the air dragging me right in the ground.

there was blood coming out of my mouth and eyes, I can't withstand the robot, I was starting to pass out from blood loss but before I could the thing looked at me laying on the ground and slowly lean down its damaged head were mine was and to make things worse it started to to its metallic teeth and bite into my chest viciously trying to ter at me, I was garling on my blood when I was letting out screams but as the moment I scream from the pain it instantly stopped as the metal bastard dashes backwards like it was afraid or conscious of something.

I started to straighten myself upright, it was odd, I wasn't bleeding anymore or in pain but not worry to much on it I stood up keeping what you would call eye contact with the alien robot, as I did the it darted straight to me and in the moment it held me by the neck I didn't know what I could do but for the attempts of stopping it I repeatedly started punching it with no effect, I thought though its metal my knuckles wasn't even bruising, the more and more I did make jabs at it the more my strength felt the greater, until I punched it so fast and hard I saw a flash of blue flowing down my veins making my punch somehow send the anomaly fly sideways.

I landed on the ground looking at my arms pulsing from the blue blood coming through it I then saw my knuckles that started to form a harden shield over them like gloves, its was like a futuristic par of fighter wrapped bandages on me, but I stopped looking at me hands and turn trying to locate the creature, but out of reflex I turn again seeing the thing form a long blade out of its forearm I panicked and stepped back and doing so I zoomed about a few meters behind me as the thing tried to take a slash at me.

I realized what I just did, I made a smirk toward the bot, "Look at you now you little pissant, I'm now someone that's going to whoop your ass." I leaned my foot forward readying to make a turbo dash at the creature I formed it perfectly punching the thing mid dash and stagger it, I started to take my close quarter combat to good use, making fast but heavy hits to the robots head and chest until it attempted to take another slash at me, but instead of it hitting I caught the blade and snapped it off the thing along with its arm, it gushes out blood liquid from the tubes I torn apart, my right arm started to form out a blade identical to what I torn off the robot, a large and stainless, I cut down the thing by its leg and then inserted my blade to it chest punching it to the face until it would stop moving.

Miraculously the struggling stopped, it was a mattered with only blue liquid that did give the vibe of a bloody thickness, I thought when it bit into me some reaction made some of its blood infuse making me a human enhancement, I was still human with the blood out from my eyes and mouth, I'm a numbness but still take damage, I walked back to the trench seeing Strike help Howens up, Strike looked at me shocked.

"You good Mason?" Strike asked.

"Better than ever, whatever that thing did to me, it's some weird ass magic or something."

"Yeah, don't get that to your head, Mase." Howens told me, in a more joking way than serious, "So, what do we tell the rest? And central command?"

"We may need to keep all of this in secrecy, how about you Mason?" I nodded, "Then its clear, we stay close and process quietly, whatever the command said to not leave sector, this must be something to do with this."

"Do you think they were aware of these things?" I said.

"Most definitely, this would make it clear why so." Howen's said.

"I do have one theory on this though or a question really." Strike said we faced him waiting for what he wanted to say, "Were we here to keep control of these things or test them?" Me and Howen glanced at each other realizing that this must be a test to analyze them to see what they'd do.

"So, another thing to add to this war... Could this be the Chinese? To make an advantage against the other countries?" I questioned.

"I mean, this wouldn't be surprising but these things are wild and mimical." Strike told us.

"More like aliens then." Howen's said jokingly.

"I believe this is something bigger than us, but I was infused with it."

"Blood? All we should do is stay quiet until we know more, including that power." Strike said to me, I nodded.

I don't know what this thing was but if there's more we need to be ready for'em.

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