31 - He needs a date.

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I watched her approach my car and I wouldn't lie my heart had been thumping real hard. What was she gonna do? And why do I always bump into her? It's like she's a spirit, who monitors me.

She opened my car door without a care in the world. " How dare you?" Carmen asked as I looked around. " Step out." She commanded and I didn't know what to do but obey.

Was she gonna embarrass me in front of everyone present here? She better not. I'm just a normal citizen while she's a famous whatever, my reputation won't be tarnished but hers will.

" Do you know how much damage you've caused to my car?" She asked. I couldn't answer her because I truly had caused damage and it was my fault also. " I'm been disgusted to have this truck of yours come in contact with my car." She spat.

" Carmen, we're on the road, let's talk.." I wasn't even done when " Talk? Oh please. I'd rather be homeless than talk to you." She rolled her eyes. " Homeless? Well you're talking to me right now.. does it means you're homeless?" I asked with a smirk as I received a glare from her.

I glanced at the trunk of her car. " Good luck fixing that." I said taping her shoulder as I entered my car shutting the door as I raised my eyes to stare at a confused Carmen. " Where are you going? You have to pay me." She said.

" The traffic has cleared off Carmen, at least be wise enough to get your car out of the way. They're other cars behind." I whispered as Carmen glanced at the other cars.

She glared at me as she got into her car and drove off. The next day.

I woke up by the sound of my phone ringing. With sleep still evident in my eyes I answered the call not knowing who it was that was calling.

" Good morning." I heard a familiar voice. " R- r- Rihanna?" I mumbled as I heard a hum. " Still sleeping?" She asked as I hummed. " Well, I wanted to ask if you could do me a favour." She started as I sighed.

" There's a man I want you to meet. Tyler.. um Tyler Clinton . He needs a date to accompany him to a quick meeting in Roux Seven stars. Can you do it?" Rihanna asked as I hummed.

" Great Tessa, be there at 8." Rihanna said ending the call as I hummed tossing my phone away. What she said, I had no idea of. All I knew was she spoke to me. And with that, I slept off again.

After an hour later, I finally woke up, had my bath and got dressed. I was taking Jim for checkup today and I was supposed to be there by 9. I had did my hair in a simple French braid.

Wore ash cargo pants and black off shoulder top along with a pair of black combat boots. I carried along me an ash coloured tote bag as I made my way down the stairs.

I was surprised to see Jim was awake and sited on the couch. " Jim. You're awake." I said as I stood in front of him. " Like my new outfit?" I asked as he nodded with a smile. " All I have left is some savings from last December and right after your checkup we could go for shopping.. at Um.. the mall." I said as Jim nodded.

" Great. Then let's go." I said as he nodded. Arriving at the hospital. After Jim's checkup, I left to get Jim's pills. Carmen stood at a corner and after seeing I was away she entered Jim's room.

" So Tessa has a dad. This is my lucky day. Bravo Carmen. You've seen who's the best man to be used to weaken Tessa. If you have an accident, Tessa will be broken. Taylor might console her and I'll be at a lost. But if you die, Tessa will certainly wanna die with you, Taylor will forget her. And I'll profit." Carmen said as she left the sleeping Jim.

Jim shot his eyes open as he watched Carmen go. Just as he was about to get up, I came in. " Jim. You're awake. The doctor said you didn't get enough sleep last night, so he gave you an injection." I said as I placed the bag of drugs in my bag.

" Tessa, what time is it?" Jim asked. " after 6. What's wrong?" I asked. " Well, there was a g..." Jim was saying when " Come on Jim. You can tell me the story later. First have a drink of the hospital's finest smoothie." I said as Jim took it from me.

" You're welcome. And also.." I was saying when " Tessa, Sh..." Jim was saying when my phone stared ringing. I glanced at the caller's ID and saw it was Rihanna. I immediately answered as I stood up walking to the door. " Tessa, where are you?" Rihanna asked like she was waiting for me?

" H- h- hospital." I replied. " Tessa. It'll be 8 and moments from now, and we need to dress you up." Rihanna said as the words she said to me earlier this morning sang in my head.

" He needs a date to accompany him to a quick meeting in Roux Seven stars. Can you do it?"

I sighed as I slightly nodded. " I'll be there." I said as she ended the call. I turned to see Jim staring at me. I smiled. " Jim. I'll be back. Can you stay till I return?" I asked as Jim slightly nodded.

I smiled picking up my bag as I left.

It was an hotel. A seven star hotel. Owned by a particular person I seem to not know his name. I made my way into the room Rihanna called me to as I saw her.

" Come on Tessa. What dress do you want?" Rihanna asked. I stared at a red satin dress and a black cocktail dress. They were both beautiful. " I prefer black." I whispered.

Heyyyy my dear readers.

I love y'all. I'm so happy about this book and I can tell you all are too.

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Love y'all!!!

- Hearts.

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