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I am re writing this story so please have patience while I repost one chapter at a time while editing!

I felt my body growing weak.

I hadn't had any blood in two weeks. that's a week too long for a vampire of my ranking.

My meeting with the elders wasn't until tomorrow, therefore, I couldn't legally drink from a human here in the US, unless I was approved by the elders...

We don't kill them.. Just wipe their memories.

but the blood lust was taking over... Which means that's all I could think about... My animalistic side coming out to play.

I knew my father could get me out of any trouble, as he is King of all the Vampire kingdoms, so I said fuck the vampire politics for now.

I was hungry.

It was dangerous for humans if I went too hungry. I could cause a massacre without even realising it.

Hell... Human lives were in danger for someone like me to even become a vampire in the first place.

I had a bad experience turning because I wasn't even supposed to be turned. Its against the law to turn any human with my .... previous condition. But the sadistic woman who changed me didn't care. She just wanted to possess me. For me to be hers. She was mentally unstable just like I was.

I caused a lot of damage for the vampire community in my early beginnings, but they didn't kill me because of my abilities.

One reason you don't turn the crazies, besides the whole massacre thing... is because they become powerful.

No one in a higher rank likes anyone being more powerful than they are.

Upon my judgement day, i discovered my paternal great grandfather. He was the King of Vampires and lucky for me, he was in charge of my fate. He adopted me as his son hundreds of years ago on that day and ive become what I am today..

A stable vampire with prestige.

I had to always control my emotions but here I am. A fully functioning vampire Prince. I'm not crazy anymore because of the witches who assisted my father... but when I get hungry... Too hungry.... thing happen.

Bad things.

My throat began burning.

I needed the warm red thick liquid flowing out of a helpless young woman to go on...
before I slaughter this entire town.

That won't be as easily forgiven.

I only drank from women, as feeding can be quite eròtic for me sometimes. Especially when I'm wiping their memory and making them feel pleasure; their backs arching Into me, moaning.

It can be such a turn on..

I had to find someone to drink from. I couldn't last much longer before something bad happened... I could feel the demon stir within.

"And so it begins"

I grinned wickedly at the thought of a beautiful woman struggling to move in my grasp, fear in her eyes.

I have to stifle this hunger now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2016 ⏰

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