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Someone was shaking you awake, roughly. "What the fuck?" You complained, looking up with bleary eyes to see Eren standing over you, his arms crossed. "Wake up, y/n, I wanna go do something." You rolled back over, closing your eyes. "Go do it yourself." You were so tired and your head was pounding.

"Please y/n, I carried you in last night because you were so tired.  So come on." Eren tugged your arm. When he said that, all of last night's events came flooding back. The closet, the kiss, the dream. You were still in your dress from last night but your makeup was gone. "My makeup?" "Oh, I took it off. It's bad to sleep with it right?" Eren asked.

Your heart warmed up a little, he was being pretty sweet today. "Fine, where do you want to go?" You relented, smiling up at him. "Let's go ice-skating." "Are you serious?" You groaned. 

"Do I look serious?"

"Do I look like someone who does ice skating?"

"Well...no. But you do look like someone who would put aside their lifelong grudges against ice skating for a friend."

"We're friends?"

Eren smirked. "After that kiss, I'd say we were more than friends." You try and stop your cheeks heating up from embarrassment. Eren opens his mouth to continue but you cut him off. "I'll go ice skating on one condition, you never mention that again." 

He smirks but nods. As you walk off, he calls after you "As far as kisses go though, it was pretty good." "What did I just say Eren?" He looks down at the ground, "Don't talk about the kiss. Sorry." You shake your head and start getting ready.

As soon as you were finished, Eren pulls you out the door. He talks to excitedly the whole way, like some kind of puppy. You had to admit, it was pretty cute. When you got to the ice rink, you noticed he had brought his camera again. "You really like photography, don't you?" He nods, "If it wasn't for the whole titan thing I definitely would've become a photographer."

"Do you regret it?" "What?" "Becoming a titan." He sighs, "I feel like it if I regret it, it's selfish. Since we saved so many lives. But honestly....I think I would've been happier just taking photos." Your heart hurt, you knew all too well how he felt. Before you could answer, Eren snapped a picture of you lacing up your skates. 

"Eren," You stood up to protest, but he put a hand on your shoulder to stop you. "Come on, y/n, it's fine. You look good, see?" He shows you the photo he took. You have to admit, it's pretty good. Your head was tilted up with a small smile on your face. Surprisingly, you looked pretty. "Wow, thanks. I'm not usually photogenic but this is a great picture." Eren looked down at his camera, "How can you look like that and not be photogenic?" He muttered. "What" "Nothing. Let's get on the ice." He said and practically sprinted away. You tried not to dwell on it. He was just being nice. 

*play infrunami by steve lacy (this is my shittt)*

As you got closer to the rink, Eren was waiting for you. He watched you carefully as you stepped onto the ice. You immediately had to grab onto the side for support, your body threatening to topple over. "I forgot how much I hated ice skating." You sighed, "Go and skate for a bit and come back, it's gonna take me a while to get used to the ice."

Eren raised a eyebrow at you, "No way am I gonna leave. I asked you to come ice skating didn't I?" You shot him a shaky smile. You went around the side of the rink at a painstakingly slow pace. After about five rounds, Eren grabbed your hands. "What are you doing?" You asked, willing yourself not to pull away. Eren wouldn't hurt you.

Wordlessly, he pulled you away from the side of the rink and into the middle. Your heart started beating faster, the nerves piling up. "Eren, seriously?" "Calm down, you need to have confidence that you won't fall. Trust yourself." You took a deep breath and allowed yourself to be lead on, Eren holding you steady.

𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧 II Eren Yeager FanficWhere stories live. Discover now