Chapter Nine: Crazy...

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Cold, the room was cold, and I was sitting in the interrogation room.
I luckily got cleaned off from the blood and dirt.

I was in the interrogation room alone it was quiet. I looked over towards the two-way mirror, wondering who was on the other side.

All I was doing in my moments of silence was wondering if I could recount what happened.

First, I said goodbye to the team and agreed to the hostage situation.

Second, I got out of the car to see a black truck with the unsub.

Third, I woke up with everyone shot and dead everywhere...

All I could think about was the way I felt. Sadly, I felt relief for some reason, which was horrible. Why did I feel relief?!

I then looked up to see a profiler she was new it seemed she was an African American woman who looked to be about 5 feet tall, maybe mid-40s.

She walks in, laying down a file and a notepad and paper.

"I am Veronica George. I am here to ask what happened. And you are..Dr. Y/n Y/L/N?" She says Nonchalantly.

"I am.." I muttered. I still felt a soreness around my throat.

She gave me a look it was a look of annoyance.

"Tell me, Doctor, what happened?" She asks me.

The clicking sound of her pen and ready to write anything I say.

" I am a profiler it is my job. I was in a hostage situation and trying to save the victim, who was an eight year old girl. "

She writes it down.

The sound of her writing what I have said gave me a state of paranoia like she wasn't going to believe me. No one was probably going to.

"I'll cut to the chase. Why did you kill almost a dozen people?" She says bluntly

I then looked at her, shocked. What did she just say to me?.

" I'm sorry, what?" I ask her.

"Why did you kill Frieda Demarco Lacy Green and the group in the hostage situation?" She asks more blunt.

"I did not kill anyone.." I muttered.

I fiddled with my hands being reminded of the blood on my hands, the smell of the blood..

" You are a psychology major, a doctor, and have insider information to get away with these crimes, and you did have an incident similar to this in New york" She says more loudly trying to intimidate me.

I then was feeling my blood boiling. I did not kill anyone if I did. I do not remember.

"I know it looks bad for me, but I did not do anything. I was doing my job!" I shouted at her.

She then leaned against the table, getting closer to me.

"There is evidence that pins you to the crime scene. Your DNA is on everything. All you need to do is confess, " She says to me.

I looked up at her fury in my eyes. I looked at the pen and paper..if I confess to this, I'll go to jail life in prison, no parole. I then thought of a plan I could qualify for a psych ward.. I need a reason to be admitted

"Can I have a pen and paper, please?" I ask her.

She nods and hands over the pen and paper.

I picked up the pen looking at it. There's no way of getting out of this.

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