Is it real?

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WARNINGS/ TW: Angst, S/H, fluff(?) suicide tendencies
*Chuuya's apartment*

Chuuya had just gotten home from a long day at the mafia. He enters his home, he is drenched because it was currently storming outside. Chuuya loved when it would rain, it reminded him of his humanity, it was odd but, what wasn't odd in his life. He took off his coat and put it on the coat hanger, took off his shoes and left them at the side of the door as he walked towards the kitchen. As he was walking there was a quiet knock at the door, it sounded weak, faint even.

Chuuya opened the door a little annoyed since he just got home from work. Though that annoyance went away pretty quickly when he seen Dazai. He looked so emotionless, and slim-er than regular.

Chuuya didn't ask, he already knew if he did, Dazai wouldn't answer him. So Chuuya put his hand out towards Dazai so he could grab it. Chuuya then led Dazai towards the kitchen stool, since it was close. He was drenched head to toe with water from the rain.

Chuuya asked Dazai if he could take off his shirt so he could re-bandage his arms, chest, and neck. Dazai nodded slowly as Chuuya started to take Dazai's shirt off, then let Dazai know he was going to get the first aid by the sink in the bathroom. Dazai sat still just nodding, he knew how vulnerable he must be right now, he felt disgraced. Chuuya came back into the kitchen after finding the first aid. He asked for permission before taking the other's bandage off. Which the other nodded, giving him permission. With that he took off the bandages. Chuuya cleaned each and every cut there were to be seen. He then did this with the rest of  the bandaged covered areas, as well re-bandaging.

Chuuya told Dazai that he was going to the bathroom, so he could start a shower. He told Dazai he could go with him. Dazai nodded slowly, grabbing onto Chuuya. Chuuya placed his arm around Dazai's waist so he could help Dazai walk more steadily. The two boys headed towards the bathroom that was upstairs. Chuuya set Dazai down on the toilet cover, as he was finding the perfect temperature for the water, so it wasn't too hot or too cold.  He asked Dazai on what he thought of the temperature, Dazai just replied with a short "good.." Chuuya couldn't help with feeling sorry, Dazai had sounded so weakened and that was also his first time hearing him speak this entire time. Snapping out of that before he could get teary eyes, he didn't want to worry the other. Chuuya then told Dazai to sit in the tub while he would get the shampoo, conditioner, etc. Dazai listened and sat in the tub with the water running onto his thighs. Chuuya came back with the hair and body soaps, along with hair detangling spray and a hair brush. Chuuya then told Dazai he was going to detangle and clean his hair. Dazai nodded at the information, but stopped to look at the detangling spray, Chuuya chuckled at this because he knew Dazai was looking to make sure it was the right one, the kids one. He liked how it smelt, so he only allowed that one. He reassured that it was the correct one. Which Dazai just nodded and let Chuuya continue doing his hair.

After Chuuya finished bathing Dazai, he dried him off and told Dazai to follow him to his room. Dazai listened and followed the other to his bedroom. Chuuya opened his door and let Dazai enter, Chuuya grabbed some of his oversized hoodies and some joggers Dazai left the last time he visited though he doesn't have any underwear for the other to wear so he's free balling. Dazai grabbed the clothes Chuuya had taken out, and put them on with the help of Chuuya since he still felt weak.

Chuuya asked Dazai if he wanted a snack or leftover lunch he made earlier. Against his efforts Dazai refused both options since he had lost an appetite after a while. Chuuya hated seeing the man he loved decline something he needed so much of, but of course respected the other's wishes.

Chuuya then asked the other if he wanted to listen to music, rainstorms, white noise, or to just leave the tv off. Dazai responded with "music..." Chuuya turned the tv on and put on the playlist they had made for times like these or if they missed each other. He turned the volume down so it wasn't loud but still audible.

Chuuya turned the bedroom lights off and got onto his bed, then patted the spot next to him letting Dazai know that he can sleep there. Dazai got onto the bed and hugged the other while closing his eyes. Which to that Chuuya grabs onto Dazai with one arm, and places the other on the brunettes hair running his fingers through it. Dazai curled towards the other intertwining their legs and burying his head into the gingers chest. As they both fell asleep in each others arms.

Dazai thought about this moment before many times. But it felt different this time. He looked down, a tear had left his eye knowing this would be the last thing he would want. Dazai had jumped closing his eyes not bearing the pain any longer.


How did y'all like this? Expecting the end or nah, let me know 🤷🏽‍♀️

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