the start of fatherhood

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What does it take to raise a son?

What does it take to raise a daughter?

What does it take to raise children in general?

How can anyone truly prepare themselves for such a thing. The seemingly impossible task of being responsible for the precious and oh so fragile life of a newborn and how the little thing would turn soon into either a well adjusted adult or a walking pair of legs that will never feel like they fit into normal society.

Parenthood is not something to take lightly. People have spent years planning out this decision crosschecking that their lifestyle could fit the new responsibility of raising a newborn. Some may never get the chance to raise a child of their own and some may never want to bother with the heavy load that comes with childrearing. All in all raising children is an egregious task that no one would wish on those who are unprepared for it.

Yet here you stand in front of the infamous Briar Valley's General of the Right. In his arms held a small black dragon, though at this size it resembled more of an overgrown lizard than a fearsome draconic fae. You stare with your mouth agape, unsure on what to say or feel about this.

The General of the Right; Lilia Vanrouge turned to you with tears streaming down his cheeks. Through his sobs he choked out. "Isn't he beautiful?"

You were rendered speechless. You could only stare in disbelief at the scene in front of you.

"Malleus... We finally meet after 200 years..." Lilia whispered as he placed his forehead against Malleus' own.

You shook your head, scanning the room around for anyone else but you already know the answer. Meleanor and Levan are nowhere to be found. It was just you and Lilia Vanrouge present. Lilia lifted his head and turned back to you. He didn't need to say a word but you already know what he means. He can't do this alone.

It's just u̶n̶fortunate you were around. You sucked in a deep breath before releasing it, your arms relaxed to your sides before you nodded your head.

"Ok.." Is all you said. It was all that you needed to say.

So here you are caught tangled up in the affairs of being a "father figure" to a child you had no connection to. You stared at Lilia and Malleus, you watched the small dragon observe the room he was in and you watched how Lilia never took his eyes off the creature.

Lillia has changed, you would think to yourself or maybe you were the one who changed or maybe you never knew Lilia that well in the first place. Maybe you were just in the w̶r̶o̶n̶g̶ right place and in the w̶r̶o̶n̶g̶ right time for all of this to transpire.

You weren't a Princess of Briar Valley he playfully proposed to as a child nor were you a General of Briar Valley that he spent hours on ends with. Could you even call yourself a close friend to Lilia? Did he ever once considered you a close friend or more? Maybe once in the past it was mutual or maybe it never was. w̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶n̶ ̶l̶o̶v̶e̶d̶?̶

It doesn't seem to matter now. It doesn't seem like it would ever matter. All that matters is that you have a new responsibility to deal with everything else can be ignored for now.

Welcome to the start of fatherhood.






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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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I BELIEVE WHAT YOU SAID ; Lilia Vanrouge X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now