Do you?

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Did you ever think about her heart.

Do you still think about her heart...if you even think about her?

Do you stay up at night and wonder if she's up at night thinking about you?

Do you ever think about all the times you made her smile?

Do you think about the conversations that you shared?

Your "promises"?

Even if you don't, she does.

She thinks about your late night conversations.

She wonders if you cried that day.

She wonders if you think about her.

She wonders if she still makes you smile.

She wonder if you still remember your "promises".

She wonder so many things.

She really trys not to.

She doesn't want to.

The day will come when she doesn't wonder,

But she knows that, that won't be happening soon.

Because she still wants you.

She thinks it's pathetic.

She can't help but smile, when you smile.

She can't help but laugh, when you laugh.

And what makes it worse,

Is that she thinks you might feel the same way.

She thinks.

Maybe it's because, she'll turn her head

And she can just make out a pair of brown eyes looking at her.

In what way she can't tell.

In one world it's disgust.

In one world It's shock.

In one world it's admiration.

In one world it's curiosity.

In one world it's nostalgia.

As her mind starts to wander off into all the possibilties,

She quickly snap out of it.

Only to return to her realm of confusion, and frustration for you and herself,

When she spots the ever so gentle tip toe pink gracefully gliding it's way to your cheeks.

That's what makes her start to think again.

That's what makes her start to wonder,

That maybe if she walked over to you,

She could lean head on your comforting chest.

You could wrap your arms around her,

As you both gently rocked back and forth,

While you whisper all things you used to say to her.

And she would feel secure.

Like none of your promises were broken.

Like none of her heart had been shattered.

Like none of your dreams flew out the window.

Like none of this new found awkwardness would be in the air.

And she would feel safe,

Nothing would harm her.

If anything tries,

Only you will be in harms way.

Maybe then you could come close to what she felt.

Maybe you would cry.

Maybe you could feel your heart break.

Maybe you could be confused.

Maybe you could be weak.

Maybe you could angry.

Maybe you would understand.

Maybe you would see how it felt.

Maybe you could lay awake at night,

Staring above,

Trying to decide if what you see

Is the dark ceiling in your room,

Or if it's the sky above.

It has to be the sky.

Because then it would explain why your face is wet.

But than again you think to yourself,

"There is not a cloud in the sky."

The salt liquid on your cheeks is your pain, not from drops of rain coming from above.

Then you look up and wonder where the stars have gone,

And you realize there are none,

Because she out shines them all.

But she's not here.

She left without saying a word.

Without a mutter.

Without a sound.

Without a wave.

Without a hug.

Without a kiss.

Than it's your turn.

It's your turn to sit up and wonder.

Wondering if she's thinking about you right now.

And all you can do is wonder.

You ask yourself,

If she ever thought about you.

If she ever thought about you're heart.

And than you can feel,

Exactly what you did to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2015 ⏰

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