We're out of time

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"You sure you really wanna do this?"

The Frenchman asked, tightly holding the Aussie’s chin. He stroked the right side of it with a thumb, and his gaze turned soft, however it was a manipulation.

The Aussie nodded hesitantly, looking up at his eyes with a bit of fear. The shiver went through all his body, making him swallow the lump. Everything that was in the room now seemed blurry and twisted, like he was under drug affection. It might be true, but he has no proofs for it, since the Frenchman seemed the person he might unhealthy trust to.

"Gimme that then."

The grip turned stronger, the aussie gasped. He suddenly moved his head to get out from it, however it was tight enough to not let him do it, and when he looked at his eyes straight, he could see how evil they turned.

"You see, Matty..." The Frenchman started, using the nickname he gave him, "I never liked you. I liked your body, I liked..." He stuttered, pressing his lips into a line, "...I liked how naive you were."

Matt closed his eyes, showing him he understood that.

He understood it a long time ago.

He was never liked by him. Not even thinking about love, he never liked him. And he saw it, he felt it.

The Frenchman used the chance. Matty, as he called him, was a very perfect thing for him.

A thing. Not a person.

The Aussie didn’t expect the grip turned softer; as it did, he automatically pushed himself back.

"Mathieu... You are a fucking psyco!"

He shouted, leaning on his elbows.
The shock showed in his face clearly, clear enough for Mathieu to notice it for being more turned on. He raised an eyebrow.

"I am. And you love me for it, you know that."

The grin that annoyed Matt appeared on the Frenchman’s face, he wanted to roll his eyes as usual, but the situation didnt let him do it.

"So what do you want from me?"

Matt’s loudness was close to the whispering, his voice twitched. Mathieu looked at his throat, seeing how the Aussie’s adam’s apple moving, which meant he swallows due to current stress a lot. He liked it.

"From you?" The low laugh rang out with an echo in the room, "You. I want you."

Mathieu leaned closer to him, cupping his chin again, moving his face to his, looking straight at the worried eyes.

"You... You just said you never liked me..."

The phrase that he just let out was a confusing one, not by its meaning, but by its sound. The shiver of fear caused his body actions, including his voice.

"I did. But i always wanted you."

He frowned, giving some resist that made no sense.

"You wanted... You wanted my death!"

Mathieu raised his eyebrows, lowering his head, muting the laugh that came out.

"You finally got it. A good boy."

The Frenchman kissed his lips so fast and slowly, the Aussie didn't even realised what he just did. Only after closing his mouth, pressing the teeth tight.

The anger that he couldn't show, the pain that he couldn't say about, the feeling of unfair that he couldn't talk about.

"If you don't kill me..." Mathieu started, moving his hand behind Matt’s back, to his jeans pocket. "Then I’m going to have to kill you."

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