Agent 007

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It was just another day at work and to be honest...I don't even wanna be here today. I've been up all night after the date playing Fortnite.


'SAY ONE MORE THING U FUCKING WHORE!' I yelled. 'Yeah, whatever. All you do is numb your throat so you won't feel the pain of all that dick you're sucking! Then come on you fucking rat face trick!'


It was one hell of a hell of a night.

'What's good? What's good?' Camron greeted, a wide grin spreading across his face as he approached Davion and me. 'Yo!' Davion responded, returning the greeting with an enthusiastic nod. 'Hey...' I said quietly, still reeling from the events of the previous night.

'Damn, Dean! What's up with you? You look tired as shit!' Camron exclaimed, eyeing me up and down. I sighed heavily, running a hand through my messy hair. 'After my date, I was on the game and shit got wild,' I replied, feeling a familiar sense of frustration and anger bubbling up inside me.

'That's your fault then,' Camron chided, wagging a finger at me. 'Speaking of which, you never told us about the date.'

'We went to a paint and sip thing. We were sipping liquor and painting portraits,' I explained, picturing the scene in my mind.

'Nigga, you can't draw,' Davion laughed, ribbing me good-naturedly.

'I said paint,' I retorted, rolling my eyes. 'You can't do that either!'

'Screw him, Dean. What else happened?' Camron asked, clearly intrigued.

'That's it. Her paintings looked better than mine though. I lowkey got jealous,' I admitted, feeling a pang of embarrassment.

'No ass?' Davion asked, unable to resist the urge to make a crude joke.

'No! Is that all ya think about?' I shot back.

'No. I was just talking shit,' he replied with a shrug.

'Did ya at least kiss? Did you get a hug?' Camron asked, sipping his juice.

'We hugged and it was beautiful,' I said, unable to keep the smile off my face at the memory.

'I admire you for being such a gentleman, Dean. I wanna be like you when I grow up,' Davion said, only half-joking.

'At least you admitted to being childish,' Cam added, throwing a balled up piece of paper at him.

I was still thinking about Barbie and our night together when a customer barged through the door, demanding attention. It was the same girl who had insulted me at the college party, the one who had said her boyfriend's hair was longer than mine. She seemed irritated and angry, but I tried to keep my cool.

'What seems to be the issue?' Davion asked, taking the lead as I struggled to stay present.

'It's cracked and the screen won't turn on. Me and my man were in a fight and shit just got hectic, okay? I need that phone ready for my trip to the Bahamas. How much will it be?' she demanded, practically spitting the words at us.

As Davion talked to the customer, I couldn't help but feel a sense of disconnect. My thoughts were still lingering on Barbie and our night together, and I found myself longing to be with her again. Her energy was pure and welcoming, something I hadn't experienced in a long time. I knew I needed to come up with a plan, a way to see her again and possibly even ask her out on a real date.

But for now, I had to focus on the task at hand. I took a deep breath, pushing thoughts of Barbie to the back of my mind as I helped Davion fix the customer's phone. It was going to be a long day, but I was determined to power through and make the most of it.

'Hey, you look familiar. I feel like I've seen you somewhere,' She said, examining my face.

'You probably have,' I said, being sarcastic.

'I encountered you at that party,'

'And you said your boyfriend's hair was longer than mine,'

'My bad. Sorry for my behavior,'

'It's all good,"

'So what's your name?'


'I'm Jada,'

'Nice to meet you, Jada,'

'You know? I take back what I said that night,'

'Are you here to get your phone fixed or to fight?' Davion asked, annoyed.

'You're a piece of shit,' Jada said.

'Aye! Stop all that shit! You phone will be fixed by tomorrow. Please exit the building,' Camron said, pointing to the door.

'Whatever,' she said, rolling her eyes. 'I'll see you late, Dean,' she said, before walking out.

'Davion, what is wrong with you?'

'She's a pea brain ass woman. First, she going to the Bahamas, then she trynna fake apologize, and her flirting isn't even authentic. Everything about her seems fake,'

'I agree with Davion on this one. Plus, she seem like she start shit and I'm not about to have that in my store. Ain't you wit Barbie anyway?' Cam asks.

'No. We're not together at all. I was just being nice to lower the tension. Jada is not my type anyway, so let's get that out the way. Secondly, I'm just doing my job. It's not that serious,'

'Did she really say her boyfriend hair was longer than yours?' Cam asked, laughing.

'Laugh all ya want,'

𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝐿𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇 ❥❦۵ (Agent00 Fan Story)Where stories live. Discover now