Momo Yaoyorozu (Creati)

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You are a MEGA simp.

Let's be honest here you only like her for her chest size.

Unless it's actually the hair in which case you also probably like Kalifa and Kale from Dragon Ball Super.

Admittedly her personality is charming and with her quirk I could see some people wanting to use her.

Most likely nine times out of 10 you are a very toxic person, I would feel bad for Momo if she ended up with you.

If you're not part of the more nefarious margin of people who sent for her good on you!

You probably like her personality because you realize it's charming and that she's very smart and that that's an attractive trait.

No but let's just be honest here the majority of you are serious simps.


Momo: W-what? How could so many bad people like me

Author: Unfortunately when you're that good looking and you're mangaka draws you in a scandalous outfit you're going to get some unwanted attention

Momo: Awww Phooey!

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