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Whoosh, frigid wind swirled around the two, a heavy silence engulfing the field, as they stood face-to-face. His eyes widened slightly, muscles tensing as he whispered softly. "What did you just say?" He leaned in closer to me, as his gaze narrowed, a tinge of hurt tainting his freezing glare.

I let out a trembling breath, hesitantly glancing up at him. I could see the break in his stoic facade, the cracks spreading like wildfire, as he slowly broke down. "It's been me all along." I repeated, the tears in my eyes being dried by the wind, carried away on a current.

Present day

"Move over, you're sitting too close." Scaramouche uttered in a low growl, elbowing me in the side. "Oh yeah, lemme just give you the space I don't have." I deadpanned, gesturing toward the lack of space beside me.

I rolled my eyes, voice saturated with disdain. "Suck it up." I growled, crossing my arms over my chest, unconsciously mirroring his movements. Signora eyed the two of us, letting out a huff of frustration.

"Could you two stop bickering for once? Or is that too much to ask?" I took in a deep breath, regaining my composure, as Scaramouche seethed, twitching with rage. I couldn't hold back a smirk, which only angered him further.

"Shh. She's here." Signora whisper-yelled to the two of us. There was a pang of wariness in her gaze, as the doors burst open, and Tsaritsa strode into the room, taking her seat at the head of the table. Her scornful gaze swept over every harbinger, before landing on me.

"Now, the reason why I've called you all here, is, evidently, the Electro Gnosis—" The Tsarista started, before being rudely interrupted by Scaramouche.

"We do this every time. We know, you want it. We'll get it, we always do." The Tsaritsa's glare snapped toward him. "You dare interrupt me?" She spat contemptuously, her eyes narrowing into thin slits.


His muscles tensed, as he spoke through gritted teeth. "My apologies, your majesty.." His overwhelming sense of self-confidence was instantaneously shattered to a million pieces.

A laugh escaped the Doctor's lips.

Scaramouche caught me staring at him with a conceited grin, and I could see him twitch as he tried not to lash out again. "I will be assigning La Signora, Scaramouche, and.. Y/n on this mission." The Tsaritsa continued.

My jaw dropped, mouth hanging agape as I stared at her. She stared right back, as her head tilted to the side. "Is something the matter?" She inquired, her tone a trace softer when she spoke to me.

I reluctantly shook my head, forcing a smile which was followed by scowl as she turned away.

I heard Scaramouche mutter something along the lines of "I'd rather burn alive than work with this brat." I let out a soft chuckle, lips twisting into a derisive sneer.

"I'm not that bad." I argued light-heartedly.

"Oh, don't lie to yourself, dear. It's not healthy." Signora interjected, with an undercurrent of derision. Dottore snorted, biting his lip to stifle a laugh.

I shot him a glare, which only amplified the amusement he found in my ridicule.


I turned back towards the Tsaritsa, as she continued explaining our mission. "You three will be up against the Shogun, and her army, who are quite.. How do I put this, Resilient?.." She trailed off.

"Nevermind, all I ask is that you take extra care on this mission. Wouldn't want any of my Harbingers getting killed now, would we?" She advised in a saccharine tone, accompanied by an echo of scorn.

"Uh huh."


Creeping through the darkened, dusty alleyways of Inazuma City, not daring to make a sound, guards stationed everywhere I looked.

I turned my head to check my left, then right, and sprinted across the street, and stopped in the alley across. With Scaramouche tailing me, I couldn't afford to make a single mistake.

Heading out of the city area and into the woods, I was careful not to step on any branches. Warily tiptoeing through the forest, trees twisting to endless heights, crack.

"Wasn't me." I immediately defended myself, and slowly turned around, hearing Scaramouche's sigh of defeat.

I stared at him, doing a not-so great job of holding in a laugh.

"Yeah, I stepped on a branch, so what?" He grumbled, crossing his arms. A soft chuckle escaped, before I turned around again.

I could hear him mumbling a few obscenities from behind me, grin twisting into an amused sneer.

And that smirk got wiped right off my face, as I got lashed right in the cheek by a thorny tree branch.

He, surprisingly, didn't laugh. Was he feeling okay?

We walked for some time, getting whipped in the face by the occasional sharp branch. We soon reached our temporary base, where we'd be staying for this mission, and I slowly opened the door.

I looked around, before my gaze landed on La Signora who was, somehow, already there.

"Took you long enough."

(no way, i actually finished a chapter 😱😱?! what a surprise! anyways uh hope this wasn't rlly crappy cause i didnt edit it.. cya in the next chapter ig??)

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