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Nomandla Paris Khumalo

He was now parked three houses away as usual. We ended up spending a whole lot more time together than we had intended to. It was almost midnight now, luckily for me this time, I had been updating my sister and she promised me that I was still good.

Lifa: "Can I please take you and the kids out on your off day?" I smile.

Me: "Sure, I will let you know when is it."

Lifa: "Can I drive you to work tomorrow?"

Me: "You can fetch me because my dad usually drops me off in the mornings." he nods.

Lifa: "Let me walk you closer to your gate." he gets out of the car and comes to open my door. We walk side by side slowly and stop just a house away from home.

Lifa: "Okay. Thank you for allowing me to come see you."

Me: "Bye. Drive safely and let me know once you home."

Lifa: "Okay bye. Kiss the boys for me." he hands me the takeaway bags and watches me until I'm by the door. I wave before entering the house and closing the door. I find my sister in the lounge with Andile.

Me: "Why isn't this one asleep?!"

Pearl: "iyahlupha ingane yakho shame. I think he was waiting for you." I leave everything on the table and take my baby from her.

Me: "Mom and Dad are asleep?"

Pearl: "Nope. They left in the afternoon, they went to the farms."

Me: "Yoh! When are they coming back?!"

Pearl: "In a week I think."

Me: "Yoh! Who's going to watch my kids?! I have work."

Pearl: "Oh damn! You screwed."

Me: "I'll make a plan. Anyways, this is for you." I hand her, her takeaway.

Pearl: "Mmh thank you!"

Me: "It's from Lifa." We warm all the food and share it. Pearl even woke Bandile up, just so she could feed them all this junk.


In the morning, I'm rushing around. I have got the kids ready and I'm also ready now. Pearl, unfortunately, had to rush off to work early in the morning. I really need a new car now because this isn't life shame. My brother wasn't even an option because he is in another province. So now I have no choice but to call Lifa. I dial his number hoping that he is available.

Lifa: "Hello?" he answers in a very deep voice.

Me: "Hi Lifa. Did I wake you?" my voice is very unsteady right now.

Lifa: "Uh no, no! What's wrong?"

Me: " I need your help." I say in a breaking voice. I'm five to crying.

Lifa: "Calm down Noma. Tell me what's wrong."

Me: "I'm stranded. I don't have anyone to look after the boys and I have to be at work in like ten minutes but I have no one to take me there. Please help me." I'm crying and don't ask me why.

Lifa: "Calm down okay? Call your supervisor, let her know that you will be a bit late and then I'll be there shortly okay?"

Me: "The boys?"

Lifa: "Don't worry about the boys, they have their father nje. I'm here, I'll look after them."

Me: "Okay thank you."

Right after he had buckled his sons up, I immediately threw my arms around him and cried. He just brushed my back softly.

Lifa: "Shh, don't cry now. Uzoba mubi." I giggle slapping his arm.

Me: "Thank you so much Lifa. I don't know what I would've done if you weren't here."

Lifa: "It's okay baby mama." Now get in the car and let's go before you become even more late to work." He drives past the McDonald's drive-through and gets me a breakfast burger with a latte. I thank him and eat while he drives me to work.

Lifa: "So what time do we fetch you?" he asks parking outside my workplace.

Me: "5 pm. Bye, guys!" I rush out after blowing them kisses. I walk inside and I find people rushing around.

Me: "What's happening?" I ask one of my colleagues.

Portia: "The water pipe burst apparently so Cindy and friends are trying to fix it."

Me: "Are they plumbers?!"

Portia: "Exactly my question oe." she says rolling her eyes. Cindy comes rushing.

Cindy: "Guys, the problem is bigger than us so we are going to have to close until the pipes are fixed. Paris, if I had known earlier I would have told you to not bother coming. I'm sorry."

Me: "It's okay, so we leaving?"

Cindy: "Yes, y'all can't be working while we have this crisis." I quickly dial Lifa and tell him to drive back and fetch me.

Lifa: "I guess we will be spending the whole day together then." he says excitedly. We had just arrived at his house.

Me: "I am going to sleep for a while."

Lifa: "You can use my clothes." I nod. I head to his room and change to his shorts and a t-shirt then throw myself on his bed. Just as I'm about to drift off, his phone rings next to me so I pull it out from under the pillow. The caller ID is registered as 'Mnkami' so I just walk out looking for him. I find him playing with his sons.

Me: "Your phone is ringing." he looks up at me frowning.

Lifa: "Who is it?"

Me: "Umkakho." I respond calmly as I watch his face turn red with guilt. He shyly takes the phone from me and attempts to walk out but these two rascals cry for him making him hang up the call.

Me: "Go answer your phone, I'll look after my kids, we don't want to upset umkakho bruh." he sighs heavily.

Lifa: "I'm sorry, I should have explained my entire situation kuwe."

Me: "Nah, you don't owe me any explanations."

Lifa: "I'm about to be a divorcee, honestly I wouldn't have bothered you if I was still interested in my wife."

Me: "Isn't that what all married men say?"

Lifa: "Please believe me mawabo." he pleads.

Me: "Why did you even pursue me when you know you're still a married man? when you know that you are still recognised as a married man eHome affairs Ndlalifa?!"

Lifa: "I'm not lying to you mawabo. Ngiyaxolisa ngempela mawabantwana bami." I just look at him as he shies away from my eyes.

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