The Beginning- Sara Ramirez

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Hey guys! I know it's been a minite since my last book but I'm trying to expand my fanfic bases so here's a lil something to read for rn. Enjoy!

Sara's POV

I'm promoting for Grey's at a LGBTQ+ event. I hear the audience cheering and clapping. I smile before hearing the intro playing and get ready to sing. I take a breath before I reach for the microphone as I start the song.

"All of these lines across my face. Tell you the story of who I am" I look into the audience, seeing them engaged with the song so far.

"So many stories of where I've been. And how I got to where I am" I glance around the audience, one girl catching my eye, "She's gorgeous.. Focus Sara." I thought and continued singing.

"But these stories don't mean anything. When you've got no one to tell them to" I looked at her and sang, "It's true, I was made for you" She smiles and takes a sip of her drink.

I smile and look away from her as I focus on the next verse. "I climbed across the mountain tops. Swam all across the ocean blue" The audience goes crazy as I sing the high notes and I just smile.

"I crossed all the lines and I broke all the rules. But baby I broke them all for you." "Okay so far so good" I thought as I sung the next line. 

"Oh, because even when I was flat broke. You made me feel like a million bucks" I smile as I sing "You do and I was made for you"

The guitarist takes their solo as i just bop my head to the beat, smiling at everyone in the audience. Then, she catches my eye again. She smiles at me "Damn, her smile is so beautiful. and her y/e/c eyes.." I thought as the next lyrics pop into my head as the solo is finishing.

"You see the smile that's on my mouth. It's hiding the words that don't come out. And all of my friends who think that I'm blessed. They don't know my head is a mess." The audience goes crazy again and I just smile as I go to the next lines.

"No, they don't know who I really am. And they don't know what I've been. through like you do. And I was made for you." I step back from the mic for a moment. "Okay Sara this is it. just focus you got this." I think to myself. And I step up to the mic and go for it.

"All of these lines across my face. Tell you the story of who I am. So many stories of where I've been. And how I got to where I am." The audience goes even crazier than before. I just smile as I continue singing.

"But these stories don't mean anything. When you've got no one to tell them to. It's true that I was made for you." The audience cheers for only a second as I finish the song.

"Oh yeah, well, it's true that I was made" I pause and unintentionally lock eyes with the mysterious woman from earlier "for you" The audience claps and cheers as I smile and bow. I giggle into the mic, "Thank you all so much!" I lock eyes with the woman again and she smiles and claps, making me smile.

I walk off the stage and take a breath. "Hey Ms. Superstar" Jessica says as she hugs me. "Hey Jess" I smile and hug her back. "Great job out there Sara." Kevin says. "Thanks Kev, Good luck!" I smile and walk to my dressing room.

I sit in my chair and sigh, taking a sip of water. "Hey," I look over and see Ellen and Sandra at my door. "Hey guys" I wave them in. "You did so good out there!" Sandra says. "Thanks San" I smile. "Okay let's cut to the chase, who were you making eyes with from the audience?" Ellen says. My eyes widen "What? I wasn't making eyes with anybody!" I say laughing.

Sandra shakes her head, "ooh yes you were, we all saw it Sar." I look at Ellen and she nods "Everyone" she mouths. I giggle "Okay, this girl in the audience. I don't know.. the way she looked at me was just.. I don't know but she's gorgeous." I say smiling. "Ooooohh Sara has a crushhh" Ellen and Sandra say together. "Shut up" I roll my eyes and laugh. "Maybe I do have a little girl crush.." I think. We talk a little more, and maybe take a few shots, until I build up the courage to talk to the woman.

I head inside of the event with Sandra and Ellen. "Go, have fun. YOLO" Sandra says. "You're so crazy San." I chuckle as I sit in the back of the audience by the woman and Ellen and Sandra go to their own table. I watch my castmates perform. I smile and clap as my castmates finish their performances. I see the woman from earlier "Gosh, she's even more beautiful in person" I thought. I smile at her and she smiles back. I walk over to her, my drink in my hand.

"Hey" I say nervously sitting down. "Well, hi there." She says. "What's your name?" I ask her. "y/n." "That's a beautiful name. " I say. "Thank you, Sara. You have a beautiful smile" She says. I start blushing a little, "Thank you, uh you do too." I say looking down.   She grabs my chin and makes me look at her. "Thank you" She stares deeply into my eyes, lust filled. "Gosh, I'm usually so good at this. I've lost all of my game" I chuckle taking a sip of my drink. She chuckles with me "It's alright, I enjoy watching you try." She takes a sip of her drink.

I clear my throat and take another sip of my drink. "So, what brings you here?" I ask, changing the subject. "You, actually. I heard you were performing and I just had to see you live." She smiles. My eyes widen and I blush "Oh, well thank you, I really appreciate it y/n." Her name just rolls right off the tounge. "I love how you say my name. Maybe you can scream it a lot tonight, if you're not busy." She says bluntly.

My eyes widened and I scoff " I mean, no, I'm not busy. I definitely wouldn't mind screaming your name at all..." I bite my lip. She smiles "Perfect. Wanna get out of here?" I smile standing up finishing my drink. "Yeah, sure, let's go. I need to get a few things from my room first, and then we can go." I say as we walk out.

I see Sandra and Ellen in the corner. They're cheering me on silently. I just chuckle. "Well Sara, looks like you're getting some tonight. Don't mess it up." I thought to myself as we get to my dressing room. "It shouldn't take long. I just need a couple of things and I'll be ready." I say smiling at her as i grab my things. "Okay let's go" I say grabbing the last of my things.

I'm kind of nervous. I guess it was obvious because she said, "Hey, relax, I'm gonna take care of you tonight okay?" She says reassuring me. I take a breath and I nod "Okay, let's go." she holds my hand as we walk out together.

"Who's driving?" I ask. "Me, you've had quite a few drinks tonight." she chuckles. her laugh is so infectious. "Yeah I definitely have." I laugh with her. We get to her car and she opens my door "Well, thank you." I say. "Of course," she says smiling. She closes the door and walks over to the driver's seat "Ready?" She asks. "Always." I say, and we drive off.

This is gonna be a long night..

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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