16. Izuku: The Amalgamation of Souls

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The big screen was now pitch black after recently hearing the BEYONDER's words, until it eventually displayed the title of the next universe to view/react.

Uraraka - The Amalgamation of Souls? What does that mean or what kind of person is Izuku even?

Nezu - Well, young Uraraka, the word "Amalgamation" means the action, process, or result of several things combining or uniting as one.

Momo - And based on the title's words, I'd say that Izuku might be composed of several entities inside of him.

Kaminari - So, what is he like a ghost or a spirit?

The BEYONDER - How about you guys just watch & learn, so you'll find your answers. And trust me this universe may sound a bit unnatural, but it's still a nice universe to view in my opinion.

Tokoyami & Kuroiro - Revelry in the dark.

The story off at an unknown location that the audience was unfamiliar with, but not to the BEYONDER (Or those looking at their screens now).

The story off at an unknown location that the audience was unfamiliar with, but not to the BEYONDER (Or those looking at their screens now)

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The audience that the universe's setting is in a large stadium/arena/coliseum filled with countless spectators, and several individuals in the middle with one sitting down on an ominous-looking throne

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The audience that the universe's setting is in a large stadium/arena/coliseum filled with countless spectators, and several individuals in the middle with one sitting down on an ominous-looking throne.

Sero - Hey, what's going on? Is there like an event happening there or what?

Kaminari - Well, I don't know about the rest of you guys, but these actually brings back memories from the sports festival.

Toru H. - Oh, yeah, this does seem similar to the festival. 

Momo - Your views are believable, but this still holds several differences to the festival.

Jiro - Yeah, like why is there some buff dude wearing gladiator armor around him, while sitting on some supervillain-looking throne.

Kendo - And in case, some of you didn't realize this yet, in the background there are images of the man around the entire coliseum.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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