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Hardly anyone cares... to them I am just a waste of space, air and food... perhaps they are right... perhaps no one truly cares... Perhaps I'm not needed, or wanted, or worried about, or loved... I have people coming up to me saying they understand the troubles I am going through, but how can they possibly know how fucking horrible I am feeling... How? No one knows me better than me... No one knows what I think about, pretending to be asleep, because my body doesn't want to sleep. When you wake up, do you think of something happy? or what a joy it is to be awake? I don't... I just feel alone. And scared. And sad. I think to myself: "Another fucking pointless day in my pointless life. I don't eat, I've lost 1 kg since last week it's that bad... I don't get sleep either, less than 3 hours last night... And for what? It to repeat again." My conditions are getting worse... I just want to curl up in a ball and die... One of my best friends ignores me... My siblings ran away... And then I have a mental breakdown in front of the entire school... What have I fucking come to? Disaster. Ruins. Displeasure. But then again, who cares. Who cared? Who will care? No-one.

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