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AS EVERYONE SAT AT THE TABLE and enjoyed the stew, the adults listened to the four-year-old as he talked about how many animals he and Rat had found in the garden earlier, receiving a chuckle or an 'awe' from all sides

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AS EVERYONE SAT AT THE TABLE and enjoyed the stew, the adults listened to the four-year-old as he talked about how many animals he and Rat had found in the garden earlier, receiving a chuckle or an 'awe' from all sides.

Tessa loved how interested Sawyer was in animals and nature, not many kids showed much interest in that these days. Maybe it was because Tessa never had the money to buy him a PlayStation, and he had lived with her aunt most of the time anyway. And why would a child his age need something like that?

Maybe her son was just naturally enthusiastic about such thingsᅳ which was great.

"And then Rat put the lizard in my hands and it just sat there, didn't run away", Sawyer finished his little story enthusiastically, his feet dangling under the table. "Can I go outside later again, mommy? And when is Happy coming?"

Hearing that Sawyer couldn't wait for Happy to arrive made not only Tessa's but also Maria's heart swell, her lips curled into a loving smile. "Want to show Happy your lizard, huh?"

Sawyer nodded eagerly in Maria's direction. "Yes! I put it in a big box with a lot of grass and water so it'll be okay."

"You're such an attentive boy", the older woman praised as she ruffled the boy's hair.

"Happy is coming tomorrow, baby", Tessa let her son know, refilling his glass with water before looking at him proudly. "Rat told me that you were walking Baxter on the leash all by yourself earlier."

The boy nodded eagerly again, a proud smile on his face. "I did, Baxter listened to me quite well."

"He really did", Rat confirmed, now leaning back, his plate empty in front of him. His gaze gratefully shifted between the two women. "Thanks for the food, it tasted really good."

"Thanks Rat, but honestly, what is your real name?", Maria asked, amused by the nickname the young man had. "That can't be your real name, right?"

He shook his head, chuckling. "No, it's George, ma'am."

"Don't call me ma'am, that sounds so old", Maria scolded, shaking her head and pointing a finger at the man. "It's Maria for you, understand?"

"Understood, ma'am", Rat nodded quickly, a shy smile on his face as his shoulders slumped, realizing what he had called the woman again. He quickly corrected himself when he received a stern look from the older woman. "Maria, forgive me."

"I love how tame the boys are around you", Tessa mumbled, snorting a laugh. "You're giving Gemma competition."

"Well, with a bunch of men you have to know how to assert yourself", Maria countered with a chuckle, her eyes dropping as she thought back to how submissive she had been to Tessa's father for years.

"Are you okay?", the dark-haired girl asked carefully, suspecting what was going on in the woman's head. "I'm sorry about my dad againᅳ that should've never happened."

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