part 1 - my handsome ragdoll

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hi!! my name is oundine, Oundine dunham, i'm sixteen years old, i have big blue eyes,my hair is long, wavy and black,my lips has pinkish color..

i have friends, i share everything with them, well ecxept my emoltions or true feelings

i have a nice family, i have a mom and dad but i rarely see them, because they work at the other side of the world well that's pretty far, i see them only once every three years, so i'm always alone at our house

but oneday while i was walking, going home from my school, i passed by an old lady, she's carrying a bag,big one, and from that bag, a male ragdoll fell, so i picked it up..

"miss!!! old lady!!! hey!!.....i saw this rag doll fell from you bag" - me

'oh thankyou but you could keep it if you want." - oldlady

" im too old for this kind of dolls" - me

i don't want to keep it because it looked like a voodoo doll,its dusty,ugly and has many loosed threads

"well, it could lighten up the weight from my bag" - old lady

"ok well thank you then." - me

"goodbye miss!!!' - old lady

by the time that i arrived my house, i washed the rag dolll, dried it sewn it and i even made new clothes for him... after i did those things ,he looked mych better,he has blue eyes,but much darker that mine and a brown hair, and a beautiful smile, as i wore him my newly made clothes for this ragdoll, i noticed that there is a small shining thing on his chest, it looked like a diamond,i tried to take it but it won't budge

next day,during the classes....


"oundine!!! oundine!!! OUNDINE!!!! OUNDINE!!!!! "

that's my friend sasha

"what! what!!! WHAT!!! WHAT!!!" -me"


"who is it?" - me

" i don't know but his cute ;) " - sasha

and to my surprize, it was my elementary crush *___* :3

he just transfered to my school yesterday

"hey! oundine! remember me?"

"uh,you're andew right?" - me

"yes it's a good thing you still remember me!"-andrew

*@__@* he reallly knew how to make me blush, just by smiling, he has this smile that is just wonderful, and those medium sized black sparkling eyes, always makes my heart pund, he's my night in shinning armor

"what class are you in?"- me

"well im class 2-A,classroom just next to yours"-andrew

while me and andrew are talking, i could here somegirls saying.....

"wow, she's lucky!"

"she's awesome!"

"they look well together!"

"yeah,i know they looked like a couple!"

_______ rrrrrriiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg!!!!!!!!________

the classes has ended


"oh,hi andrew!!"-me

"can i walk you home today?"-andrew

"---blush---,uhm sure why not?!"-me









thanks for coming with me today"-me

"your welcome"-andrew

by the time i get to go to my room, i looked for my ragdoll...

"yeepey!!! i'm so happy today! ypu know why?,because i get to see my crush again!!,while i'm walking with him i think i'm going to faint i don't know what to do,

on my way home until now!! my heart just keeps on pounding and puonding."-me

whilei'm talking i noticed that the diamond changed colors, the diamond turned yellow, wow it's like magic,then i have decided to name my doll

"maybe.... i should name you blue.....not good, too common.......i know!!! i will name you after my name oundine to enidoun, what you think?that suits perfectly..."-me

so from now on i have decided to put him beside me while sleeping....


*wakes up*

"huh? where's enidoun?"-me


"hmmm,that smells good, maybe my parents are back!!!-me

so as i rush down to the kitchen,i saw a man cooking,he only wore a towel,so i ran to him and hugged him.....

"welcome home!!!! daddy!!! i miss you!!!"-me

as i looked at him on the face,to my surprize that's not my dad!!

so i was frightened and tried to run but he suddenly hold my wrist

"LET ME GO!!!!!who are you? how did you get in here?!!!"-me

he wont answer so i grabed a knife and cut his wrist and i noticed that insted of blood, sand came out so i looked up to him and saw a diamond on his chest,he has blue eyes which is darker than mine and a brown hair

"enidoun? is that you?!- me


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