chapter 11

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'ahem...dear diary, I think I've lost my mind. Over the course of the past week after crash landing on this uncharted alien planet, many things have happened to me.

First, I discovered Just how amazing and beautiful this place is. During the day, you get to witness the thriving ecosystem filled with all sorts of new alien creatures that each contribute to the life cycle of the forest in their own way, while At night the flora and fauna take on a bioluminescent glow with beautiful displays of color far superior than anything back on earth.

Second, I found something truly remarkable, an intelligent race of humanoids native to the forests of this celestial body! The discovery of these beings is a discovery of a lifetime! I've never felt so lucky– to think I would be the first ever person to make contact with this new alien race! My excitement for such is almost great enough to make me forget all about the fact that the two specimens of this new and undocumented race that I found, decided to kidnap me in the middle of the night! away from the safety of my ship and companions.

oh and that's not even half of it! along with being kidnapped, I ended up losing everything I had on me before, including my clothes. it sucks that I don't even have my scanner to tell me what's safe or not to eat but oh well, moving on!~

My two new alien companions have introduced me to a whole new world, living and surviving off nature itself. It's quite refreshing after spending so many years in the comfort and safety of a space station.

OH I forgot to mention, I nearly got eaten on two separate occasions by some wild fauna and flora, there seems to be a lot of carnivorous creatures roaming about down here, I can only hope my companions at the ship haven't gotten themselves into any trouble while I've been gone...

hmm... What else? ah yes, my two new alien chaperones have been such wonderful hosts during my time with them, they feed me, bathe me, touch me, oh i could write a book with all the wonderful new experiences they've introduced me to. I've never felt more alive and satisfied in my entire life! although there has been one minor hiccup that has left some– unforeseen side effects upon my body, in these past two days. It appears after a lovely night of pleasure, I somehow triggered one of my companions to go into a rut.

Although I have no worries of either of my newfound friends hurting me, I must say that the repeated, non-stop, copulation between the three of us has had some unfavorable effects on the majority of us. much to everyone's relief though it seems after only a couple of days the effects of my friend's rut have worn off, giving us some much needed rest and respite,'

"Now, if only I had the capacity to walk..." I groaned while burying my face against Eikans shoulder as he carried me on his back.

the male paused briefly to look over his shoulder –to the best of his ability– to give me a questioning look.

Eiso came up beside us and they looked at eachother with shared confusion as I moped, hating how I had to be carried in order for us to go anywhere.

As much as I wanted to blame Eiso for the lack of feeling in my legs, I knew he wasn't exactly in control when everything was going down. His lust and need to rut the past few days was unlike anything I had ever seen before.

The poor man almost seemed like he was in pain and struggling to even breathe when didn't have his cock buried in one of my 3 holes. I thought rabbits were bad when it came to being horny, but Eiso alone put the earth's entire animal kingdom to shame with his insatiable heat.

he couldn't keep himself off me the past two days. I was starting to think he might accidentally fuck me to death at the rate we were going. There were a number of times I had to beg for a break and Eikan had to separate him from me so that I didn't just roll over and die from exhaustion.

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